
I remember there were several “Celebrity” episodes, but the one that sticks out in my mind was with the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I think Flea and Anthony Kiedis were together in a single shirt like a two-headed monster, so that they would fit the three contestant format.

I think so Brain, but where are we going to find rubber pants in our size?

Was just thinking....my first tape I ever owned that was truly mine (not my brothers, cousins, or parents) was 1984. And it was a damn fine tape to own. I also loved 515o. It’s a damn good record, even if its not the original. Over the years, I’ve come to appreciate Michael Anthony more for what he did vocally. I

I sat with my then 4-5 year old daughter in the theaters watching Inside Out....hoo boy, that was a rough one. Much like yours, I got a small pat on my leg, and “daddy, what’s wrong?” as I sat being a blubbering mess next to her.

Totally agree. However, the Clone Wars animated series, with its ruminations on identity within the Clones, is quite good. So, I guess I forgive the prequels a little because they spawned an interesting offshoot.

I lost my original VHS in a move about 15 years ago. Still saddens me that I can now only get mucked with versions of the movie.

I must have seen it during that 1980 re-release as that would track with my remembrances of the the books from elementary school and knowing what they were. 1986 would put me as too close to middle school. That explains my vague memories but not really remembering anything about the plot.

I saw Song of the South in the theaters back in the early 80s when I was young. I’m curious how many people have actually seen it? This is by no means a, “if you haven’t seen it, you don’t know” defense. It’s been out of the public sphere for so long, I am legitimately curious the number of people that have actually

Virginia, Ethel, Iris. These are the only proper female names. Good and old timey.

The opening three tracks of Bivouac are an amazing run, and then to end the album on the plodding dissonance of Bivouac is genius. I agree, this album is amazing.

Where did you get this? It’s brilliant and I’m stealing it, so I want to know what reference.

Your second is partly incorrect. He did help instigate a treasonous war...the Revolutionary War. The reasons for such a war were different, but he did help pen the Declaration of Independence.

My kids are 6 and 8. The older one was/is a very precocial game player. He started playing Catan at 5, and has continued from there into relatively difficult games. So, he may not be a good barometer for how other kids will respond to games. However, both of them play Ticket to Ride and Forbidden Island without much

By comparing Ted Cruz to sea slugs, you have defamed all sea slug kind. Truly, nudibranchs are much more worthy admiration and kindness than the senator.

Couldn't remember the name of it. I remembered Wood Panel something something, and was too lazy to rummage through my record collection to find out.

My issue with Short Music for Short People was that David Hayes had done that concept a year or two before on his label Too Many Records, with a much more eclectic and interesting group of bands. Twenty years on, I realize this is ends up sounding like a petty argument, and it is. But back then, this was an argument

One of my favorite little bits of trivia: Knopfler said he wouldn't score the movie unless the hat that Rob Reiner wore in Spinal Tap was somewhere in the movie. You can see it hanging in the kid's room during the opening shots.

And, if memory serves, he managed Mother Love Bone.

I think this record is quite good. I am starting to think the Thermals are becoming the superchunk of the late 90s, consistently good, and because of that, dismissed.

Love Removal Machine is more of a Stones rip-off as the riff is almost exactly Start Me Up.