
Thanks Noel! I have enjoyed reliving the adventures of Angel and Buffy with you over the last few years. Fridays will be a little less fun now that these reviews are done.

Thanks Noel! I have enjoyed reliving the adventures of Angel and Buffy with you over the last few years. Fridays will be a little less fun now that these reviews are done.

Roger Ebert has an interesting blog post about the time when he and Russ Meyer were hired to make a Sex Pistols movie. It's highly entertaining.

Roger Ebert has an interesting blog post about the time when he and Russ Meyer were hired to make a Sex Pistols movie. It's highly entertaining.

Hayduke Lives!  This will probably never make it to screen. As Ed Abbey himself pointed out, we see nothing wrong with the killings of hundreds of people on screen, but when it comes to destroying property for the sake of destroying property, it is down right Un-American.

Damn you Noel! I got teary-eyed just reading your recap of Fred dying.

The song with Bonham's drumming that most amazes me is a song that is rarely mentioned. Good Times, Bad Times he does triplets on the bass drum back before he had a double bass. It is jaw dropping to here that.

It's strange, I always look forward to see what Jason is going to put in the retro part and I wasn't disappointed. Now I need to go home and bust out my Karp and Tight bros records tonight and have a nostalgia filled night swilling Oly.

I have to agree with Noel on them live. They were phenomenal. I remember seeing them with All back in 1993. I loved the Descendents and the Minutemen, so it was like seeing two of my favorite bands…sort of.

I was thinking the same thing. The lyrics to Birmingham Six were running through my head as I was reading the article.

I love the tag for the photo!! Was his hair perfect?

Good to see a little love for Jesse Michaels. It's just nice to know that he is still out doing his thing some 20 years after Op Ivy. But I have to disagree on the best output post-Op Ivy, I always had a soft spot for Big Rig.

Yeah, I probably should've checked IMDB before I allowed my faulty brain to comment….I was bound to be wrong.

Welcome back Noel!
One quick note that I know everyone here already knows but Knox (or I should say the actor) is the only person to show up in all three Whedon shows of the era. I don't remember if he is in Dollhouse though.

At six I was aware of/listening to the Beatles, AC DC, Kiss, Pink Floyd, and Neil Diamond. It helped that I had an older brother and cousin that were really into rock (not that Neil Diamond is rock perse, but I really loved the Jonathan Livingston Seagull soundtrack at the time). And yes, I realize that these bands

I first saw Wings with my dad at an old theater in the early 80s. The place still had an organ and would do old movies with an organist accompanying it. I can't remember where the theater was, either in Palo Alto or Oakland, but it was an amazing experience. We also say the old silent version of Phantom of the Opera

Hell yes Debbie Newberry!! Anyone who answers the door…."You cannot come in" with the greatest Specials song in the background automatically goes on the list.

If you are defining American beer by bud and Coors then you are right, but my sixer of 9% abv IPA begs to differ on the better tasting higher alcohol content.

1989…just graduated from 8th grade….at a graduation party, a friend asked if I wanted to go with him and his brother to see the Ramones (and Social D), I decided I'd rather stay at the party. I never saw the Ramones after that. I've been kicking myself ever since.

It was fun hearing him on NPR this morning.