
can we also get a list of women who enable these men? I’m looking at you Lena Dunham (and pretty much white women in general). After all Trump won because of 53% of white women and lets not forget 63% of white women who voted for Roy fucking Moore.

All of these are wrong. The most awful thing that teens do that makes everybody feel like their worst self is whisper and giggle amongst themselves while you’re speaking. And then if given the opportunity to say what they were giggling about they throw shade hard like “oh, we were just talking about your hair” and

I think he’s poisoning himself. The man has gained a lot (I read almost 100 pounds) since January. And he eats crap!

Of all the people to interview with, why Megyn Kelly? She’s the worst. It seems like someone like Barbara Walters or 60 minutes would be better because they are more likely to reach the gop fan base while still being compassionate.

Go Summer Zervos! So incredibly brave to speak truth to the most powerful person in the world.

Well, “hen” is a neutral pronoun in Swedish, and also uncommonly used to refer to a pre-op or non-op transwoman’s genitals.

when I was 20 - I had a small role in a movie he was starring in. He wouldn’t leave the dressing room while the stylists were fitting us models. At the time, I really didn’t know it was an option to not get undressed in front of him (he’s also who cast us). His behaviour kept getting more and more inappropriate that

I think we can all agree that this is probably the least surprising of all of the recent revelations.

I am not. I just can’t wrap my head around the fact, that jezebel tries to make a direct connection from KS allegedly making sexual advances to a minor 30+ years ago to his behaviour on the set of HOC, since there are no allegations about anything improper and on top of that, there is this ridiculous insinuation, that

It’d be great if someone came out with some facts then. From what I can tell, Jez picked it up from someone who later denied she was referencing CK. Tig Notaro seems to think she knows something but hinting around it and never actually saying anything makes her claim seem somewhat less than truthful.

I’ve heard multiple references to Louis CK’s fucked up behavior from people in media and entertainment (mostly comedy, which is a fairly tight circle). Jezebel definitely didn’t make it up.

Years ago (like about 20) I worked with a woman whose young son would stop by the office a lot. He was a sophomore or junior in high school. Anyway, he told me a really creepy story about Kevin Spacey coming on to him hardcore at some DC Clinton dinner-type event. The kid’s parents were connected somehow and rated an

You guys can’t help it, can you? Nothing in this 2015 Gawker piece suggests anything non consensual or anything improper with a minor. The fact that HOC is coming to its natural end (just watch the original BBC HOC for comparison) is also a non story, made into a salacious tidbit by media vultures like you. It’s the

Is Jezebel going to do an article about Matt Taibbi, a leftist male who bragged about sexually assaulting Russian women in his memoir? He currently writes for the Rolling Stone.

I apologize. I’m one of the ones asking. It’s not to be insulting, but I do have a fascination with the migrations of ancient people and the features that exist today vs. the region their family came from. So when I see someone “exotic”, I try to piece together in my head what’s their background. I can see how it’s

I agree with your assessment of this person in general but agree with Jane’s advice. If you are truly repentant and cheated once (not multiple times), don’t tell them. The cheater should feel guilty and like shit, but not dump shit feelings on another.

I get why people need to view things this way, it helps them cope with their own or their loved ones breakups, but the reality is if two people were together for 22 years it was because they were aiming for a lifetime. No rational human being wants to start afresh after 22 years unless the relationship is

He’s what 46? Yeah, in Married Man Years it’s time to find a newer, younger model. And I’m probably making assumptions, but I don’t care.