
Asia Argento’s dad is Dario Argento. He is a pretty big deal in certain circles.

They had everything to lose and nothing to gain. Imagine how it must be to victims everywhere when America voted in an abuser to the highest office in the land.

not to mention Rosanna Arquette, who’s entire family is in the industry

Paltrow & Jolie are from Hollywood families. If Blythe Danner’s daughter and John Voight’s daughter didn’t feel comfortable speaking up for fear of repercussions, what does that tell you about the level of power Harvey Weinstein had over the entertainment industry? I hope this illustrates for people how deep this

And what happens when she grows up? And isn’t pliable and darling and doesn’t want to wear frilly dresses? Or she’s transgendered? Or wants to cut her hair?

I have a friend who had a baby girl about a year and a half ago. Ever since she was born, my friend’s wife has been posting pictures of her with the hashtag #myownlivingandbreathingdoll. It always struck me as a bit weird and creepy. I always think, no, she’s not just an animated doll. She’s your child. An actual

I agree with you, but I do find it really funny that it’s T-Swift aka the girl that fucking tries to trademark EVERYTHING that is getting sued.


They were confused by the absence of boob-armor, leather thongs, high-heel boots and thigh-high chainmail leggings.

but much worse he talks bad about me to our four year old daughter.

“I can show you my bank account. I don’t have any assets. I don’t have money, just enough to live. I don’t have money for a sugar baby.”

So when do you think Taylor Swift or Katy Perry will start shooting their white version of a Livin’ Single episode?

Can you tell me how I can look effortlessly cool in a baseball cap because I wear one at the beach and end up looking like a confused dad. Your check for $2.99 is in the mail

I’m also not comfortable with the large companies swallowing up small companies. It hurts us all, in the end.

Opinion: everyone should have to survive off of service industry jobs and wages for a year. It would make society a nicer place.

I didn’t even know she had a lifestyle site. That’s a thing? Like people actually pay $2.99 a month to read about any celeb? I thought those sites just made money on sponsors and selling shit.

Lindsey Lohan’s skin worsener.

So does a lindsey Lohan lifestyles store just sell hard drugs and alcohol? Or does it also sell tupperware?

Maybe I’m uninformed because i don’t follow any of these “lifestyle” sites, but isn’t the point of them to learn how to have such-and-such celebrities supposedly fabulous lifestyle? I mean...no offense to LiLo, but how many people even just following her life at a glance these past years would honestly want their life