
This shaaaaaade is pretty good though

I’m disappointed Shookus isn’t her first name.

Ugh, ugh, ugh. I hate her so much. I have no idea what she did to that poor dog before replacing him with two new puppies, but I bet she did SOMETHING.

The whole situation is not even worth anyone’s time. But my friend posted this meme and it gave me a good giggle.

Off topic: I find this infuriating

Rob & Chyna:

I’m surprised, I thought for sure that Ben Affleck would end up dating a barely legal model. Because that’s usually how it goes, right? Maybe Leonardo DiCaprio would give him the Victoria’s Secret catalog and say - “Take your pick...but the blonde under 25 ones are mine.”

She Shookus all night long...

Well, I know I feel safer here in this shining city on the hill, this beacon of freedom, this safe harbor for the wretched and yearning, this symbol that if you work hard you can achieve anything!

I have a mutt we got from a shelter - we reckon he’s a staffy crossed with something bigger (what, exactly, we have no idea), and his ears look like they were taken off a different dog entirely and stuck on the wrong place on his head. My mother-in-law, when we showed her his photo from the shelter, said he was “the

What everyone else said, plus I think the 30s are the most attractive, too. You aren’t all wrinkly but you also don’t like unformed clay the way the young uns do. (Also, you may start seeing early 20-somethings as unformed clay.)

I am no small girl and have done aerial yoga before! Like 10 times actually. I am super uncoordinated and felt like a fat flopping fish the first class. It’s so much fun, though!! I remember my teacher being so sweet and saying “you look beautiful and graceful!” While I hung upsidesown and definitely did NOT.

I’ll spell it out anyway: Never trust anyone, and never have sex.

I obviously haven’t seen the show, but how does a regular ol sitcom espouse conservative values? What were the plotlines? A daughter gets pregnant because she’s only ever had abstinance only education and Tim Allen forces her to carry it to term but doesn’t contribute to the upbringing of the child?

Breakup tattoos are dumb, but still not quite as dumb as getting your paramour’s name tattooed on you.

She is such a nut and I couldn’t love her any more. They are both still just as beautiful as they were back in the day and I hope their love continues across the oceans of time, FOREVER.

This makes me want to watch “Overboard” again. I remember enjoying it, but I have no idea if it is actually a good movie. I haven’t seen it in over 20 years (probably over 25).