
My mom saw them in Fiji many years ago (she didn’t go up to them and gawk because she isn’t a hopeless starstruck idiot like her daughter) but observed them from a distance being nothing but lovely and gracious to everyone who recognized them and said they seemed to be having a wonderful time together. By far my

Yeah, that’s gross. Obviously, you keep her for yourself.

And all those acronyms for pregnancy boards and the like: DH, DS, DD (dear hubby, son and daughter), LO (little one) and a bunch of others I can’t be assed to remember.

Goldie didn’t have star all these years? She’s had an Oscar for almost 50 years! But you’ve gotta love Goldie and Kurt getting them together.

Branagh’s, I think, trying to amp up the eccentric look of Poirot, whilst also making him more youthful and athletic seeming.


This! Poirot’s fussiness would never allow him to have his tie askew, or - mon dieu! - that attached collar! He was certainly still in stiff, removable (but never ever in public) collars.

My recently deceased grandmother has risen from her grave and is begging me to tell all of you that THE ONLY LEGITIMATE HERCULE POIROT IS DAVID SUCHET, ALL OTHERS ARE IMPOSTERS AND SHOULD SEE THEMSELVES OUT PROMPTLY.

I mean I want Maisie to be happy and all, but was this really necessary???

Are they making LotR/Hobbit crossover episode?

I’m on the autism spectrum, it happens among us. It’s called a shutdown. Sometimes called burnout. Ive had three major ones in my life, triggered by trauma twice and severe physical illness once. It’s hideous and often can take years to fully recover functionality. These poor kids I really feel for them.

And yet, hasn’t Sweden accepted many refugees? I may be biased because my former boyfriend is Assyrian with family in Sweden but I believe that Sweden has taken in so many Assyrians, that there was actually an Assyrian candidate for mayor of a large city? Obviously, I am a one-note song, here. I’m not doubting you

This really missed the point of the article. I’m Swedish and I remember when this was a major issue years ago. Swedish doctors encouraged these symptoms and let the poor children waste away. That is why it is an issue that only exists in Sweden.

It’s far-fetched, but her dad was in the communist party, and there’s enough shadiness about her immigration status when she first came over that I could see Moscow having helped her. Probably still not true but, like you said, an excellent movie plot point.