
And if she does divorce him while he’s President, can you imagine the misogynistic assault the right wing would subject her to?

I would suggest that you send magazines as well. They can get passed around easily and the perfume inserts are like currency. I think they can be sent from Amazon too, but some institutions will let you send them directly in a manila envelope.

I think they’re informally separated. She basically vanished between the election and now, and every time he touches her in public she looks annoyed. And the thing about her not moving so Barron doesn’t have to change schools is lame. She just doesn’t want to live with him, and who can blame her?

This is SO off-topic and I apologize- a friend of mine is in prison and I want to send her a book or two. They allow coloring books and regular books if ordered from Amazon.com. I’m drawing a blank at what to send her. She is an artist and very intellectual and I know would appreciate something art related or a good


If it were up to me, there would be no men, because why do we need to have men in this sepcifically all-female remake of a franchise that featured only men

I am glad to see the shows end, but the whales are still kept in captivity. They are still taking animals that have evolved to roam 70% of the world and confining them in small tanks.

The stunt, known as the “bullet catch”, debuted in 2010 and consist of Blaine firing a rifle at his own head and catching the bullet in a metal cup inside his mouth.

You just reminded me of a gal who posted that nonsense meme/story about the husband who was drifting away from his wife & wants a divorce but she asks him to carry her over the threshold every day and then he realizes that he still loves her and then she dies because she of course has cancer.

That same “friend” also vague-posts about needing trust in a relationship and when you ask them about it, they “don’t wanna talk about it”. Then the next week their boyfriend/husband is their KING and they are SO BLESSED.

In other words, Kim Kardashian is that annoying “friend” from high school who changes their relationship status to “it’s complicated” for a day in hopes of getting a lot of attention, then they change it back the next day. And this happens every few weeks or months.

I don’t think it’s an understanding of money that’s the problem, it’s the comprehension of-

The consequence should be having to wrap these presents up to give to better deserving kids who are poor. And THEN she can salvage some of her gifts and be forgiven by Santa/mom.

And getting punched in the face by Alfred on Thursday.

Actually, six, like five, encompasses a huge range of potential understanding, and that’s not even counting the possibility that this kid might have a developmental disability(diagnosed or otherwise). I work with kids who are very smart, but some of them have no real understanding of money, as it’s a very abstract

Pretty sure the parents trained the kid to be that way. But yes I agree. Who raises a 6 year old to be so materialistic?

Six is old enough to know better. Socks, underwear and coal for Christmas for that kid.

I was torn between Richard and Charles, but I think I’ll go with Dickles.

I’m going to name my kids Ashward, Debissa, and Scotthony!

Pokemon theft today, diamond heist tomorrow.