
We bought our 12 year old niece fantasy books for her birthday (Garth Nix’s Old Kingdom series - it’s amazing) and when she told us how she spent the rest of her birthday money on a follow-up to the series I never felt more proud.

Yes, I’m sorry, I looked at the phone in a haze, muttered, “What in the hell?” and went back to sleep. I should probably edit to make that clearer.

Can we not make this a thing please? Not even a thinkpiece type of thing? There’s no mystery here, and it doesn’t take investigative journalism to see this is clearly a small child being coached by overbearing stage parents to perform an annoying, badly Blaccented, not very clever character. This is cringeworthy at

Exactly. How hard is it to share a little credit with the dead woman who spent years working on the case?

Yesterday was the first time I heard about this killer and all that; but it seemed like HUGE news and I wanted to support McNamara even if she’s gone so I went and bought the book. This cop is making me want to kick him in the teeth.

Murder goes unsolved for 3o years.

When asked by reporters whether her work played any role in Wednesday’s arrest of Joseph James DeAngelo, Jones said, “That’s a question we’ve gotten from all over the world in the last 24 hours, and the answer is no.”

A 200 year old word makes you feel old? .... walk me through this again.

“Scab” is an old timey union word but had its origins in the 1700s. So you’re not THAT old!

Is “scab” a term that I am unfamiliar with? Yes, it is. Feeling old. Probs about to find out that it’s been on Urban Dictionary for 8 years. Just like I learned about “brostep” earlier today. Ohhh, okay, so this term has been around for many years and this old just figured it out. #oldpeopleproblems

My god, this is pure cruelty, what is wrong with these men?

One of the things I’ve loved about Deadpool, since the first comic I picked up, was that nothing was sacred. Everything could and would be joked about.

She’s French, though. Horrible misogyny is par for the course.

People saying this is partially the dog’s owner fault for complying with this absurd order of flight attendants has certainly not been following the news on what happens to people who doesn’t put up with abusive demands of power tripping air crews.

For me, the little nugget of judgment I feel towards all of them for anything child-related is rooted in my own bitter jealousy. It’s the bitter jealousy of “you didn’t have to change your life AT ALL.”

Fewer poor people and fewer rich people.