
I picked up a “foster” Sheltie the other day. Foster is in quotes, because he is so not going anywhere. He’s a “bi-blue” — meaning predominantly grey. And very, very serious. So, I made the joke that he was grey from stress, and the lady from rescue laughed and said he started out as a sable. Our quips were slightly

Owning a dog is one way to turn your hair grey

Man tells gf she is fat and has to get off the couch and in shape again within a year or he will drop her. You’d totally would feel the same about this guy being a good person all around, nothing wrong here, huh?

millions of millenial women who voted for him over Hillary were erased by the fuckass Bernie Bro phrase. That paid dividends didn’t it?!!

No. She lost the election. Pretending that she won is counterproductive. We don’t have the luxury of waiting until everything is “fair” in order to win elections, and we are totally capable of winning elections in the meantime, as Barack Obama demonstrated twice.

I don’t want to see the Clintons appear in public life ever again, and that includes Chelsea. I hope many are with me, and if they start trying to get their little fingers into Democratic Party pies again, I hope they’re told to GTFO.

I hope you’re right that they’re gone. The talk about trying to run Chelsea Clinton for Congress makes my stomach hurt.

Saying that I said that is actually a straw man. They were not the sole cause, but they were a part of it. Many of them didn’t show up for the election or voted third party, and those are two huge factors in her loss. I’m addition there was a lack of enthusiasm, which is also partially on them. It isn’t provable yet,

I based my comment on this, from fivethirtyeight:

This is an incredibly valid point. The sheer hubris behind the (DNC and Clinton) thinking that everyone would get on board when they KNEW how her baggage played to the voters. Even if it was mostly manufactured lies and OUTRAGE over political business-as-usual. The problem with the latter is, we’re sick of it and the

That totality of people who didn’t vote for her and did vote for Obama don’t hate her because she’s “unlikable” or a woman. Remember, Obama got 10 million more votes then she turned out in 08 and 5 million more in 12. The 5 million people who stayed on in ‘12 aren’t the racist, misogynist bastards your looking for,

Sadly, however, she didn’t win the fucking election, which is the thing that actually matters.

I think you’re absolutely right.

Sanders did visit Black Churches:

Not enough to win the election, evidently.

The notion that Bernie Bros caused her to lose is an unprovable straw-man.

Because human nature is to get defensive and double down on bad behavior when getting yelled at, regardless if what you are doing is legitimately dangerous. And the constant undermining and lack of support from the Bernie Bros was exactly as dangerous as predicted. We needed party unity and enthusiasm after the

Yes, but the key phrase there is “in raw numbers”. As a percentage of eligible voters turnout was down.