
Not all French women.

Calm down guys. He thought he was Jewish in the 2nd grade!

I dated a pathological liar for two years but I can't think of any good ones! But one thing he would do ALL the time is make absurd bets and then whenever he lost, he would swear up and down that he had taken the opposite position. As in "Jude Law was the lead in Titanic," confirmed false by Google and then "Of course

not all men ;)

Right, which was mentioned in my comment. :)

"I thought it might be a little broad." Um, Jon? The term is "woman". Sexist.

You need to calm the fuck down. No one is trying to erase Jews from this fucking map. You're being a TINY BIT over sensitive.

Clearly, the infographic patriarchy's is using their Photoshop privilege to marginalize certain ethnic groups. If you're part of the .jpg, you're part of the problem!

Stoprobbers, Would you be so kind to direct me to where I can read more about the Germans as America's first major immigrant group and the resulting discrimination on others groups, please? I'd appreciate it!

Back before Facebook, when my friends and I were too cool for MySpace, we were all on LiveJournal. I had had a nasty breakup with a dude that in retrospect was "not a good guy" but I was heart broken, and I only felt worse when he got back together with his ex... but his LJ was locked from me, but hers, was wide open.

I wanted to reconnect with a friend I had a falling out with, so I went searching for him on the internet. Not able to find much on his name, I googled his phone number to see if he still had the same number. I found his number cached on a dead site where he said he was going to fly to California to defend a

a new guy started at work, and he was a very odd character. bipolar, divisive. so i poked around a tiny bit online, a kind of "who hired this guy?" search, starting with linkedin and moving out from there. within 3 link-clicks, i was on his pinterest, which was all shots of himself, or rather, of his butt. i closed my

American spelling of "honor".

Jesus, imagine having less common sense than a guy named Scooter.

SERIOUSLY? Like Seriously 6 months? (yeah, I know, I can google it, but I like dialogue!)

All I know is that I swim in standard A cups. As in: I can, like, put my groceries in there.

It is, and always has been the sole aesthetic focus of the hip-hop community. (Sir Mix-A-Lot, 1992)

If you did a 360, you'd still be against it.