
"hell to the yeah?"

@Shancan: oh my jesus. i just inhaled my can of seltzer.

@ablative: Ah, got it. Stick with the same stylist. I didn't even think of that. :p

@ResolveToEvolve: Awesome—sounds like that's the right thing to do.

@ResolveToEvolve: It sounds like she needs a professional talking-to. That blog thing is kind of a big deal (as in a no-no). At least it sounds that way from over here. And also: Claiming to be the manager when she's not.

@ablative: How often do they ask? I used to figure there's no WAY they'll ask, that would be so gauche, plus they must see scars all the time, why would they even care about mine. But it's about 9 times out of 10, and I'm too shy to tell them that it's none of their business. So I finally just gave up a few years

My hair looks like shit today. It's boy-short but it's naturally wavy, so I get all these cowlicks and then I can't stop snipping little wayward bits off, and then it looks all chunky and machete-hacked when I wash it. Whenever I look in the mirror today, I keep thinking of that Indian girl who got her hair caught

@Underling: Yeeeeeeah. Are you serious, tastylikes? Is this a joke or something?

It's so weird how it's considered rude to tell someone s/he's been rude to you. Boy, I wouldn't want to offend someone who's just offended me! It's true, though—people rarely react with an apology when told that they've acted inappropriately. They usually freak out on the defense, so right, then you're afraid of

@GREEN TEA LATTES: THE REAL GTL: Agreed agreed. I sometimes wonder if she dyes her hair dark because people lose their fricking minds if/whenever she's blonde. That would give me a total mindfreak to see.

@American as Apple Pie: No, no, this is just my blog, not my Facebook profile. I have a Sitemeter and can see the IP addresses of all the folks who view it.

My boyfriend's ex-girlfriend stalks my blog regularly, as in two to six hits per day. She also makes fake accounts every few months, in order to leave innocuous comments in the hope of me "friending" her back so that she can see my protected posts. I know this because she straight-up told my boyfriend this, after

That headliner thing is the ugliest fucking shoe I've ever seen in my life. It looks like pinking shears for your feet.

@hydrozoa: Or "de-sexualizing." Never once occurred to me, ever.

I wear a 36 AA, which contrast greatly to my 45-inch hips, and I have never once thought that men liked them because they like little girls.

Youse guyse have my sympathies, but can I just say . . . so re-glad to be out of New York City after reading this. Lord Jesus. I worked with like five people who had them and would complain about it in the lunchroom. Oh, hey, great.