
michelle is between 5'10" and 11" (which i only know because i am too), so i'd guess that malia is a couple inches shorter.

@kityglitr: my BF is from atlanta/tallahassee and he's the one who has propagated this myth (or . . . fact????) in my life. i was always like, "nuh unh, they don't really do that, do they? really? to this day?" and then we were down south a few weeks ago and it actually happened once at a restaurant, so i was like

wait, who are these people? where am i? who's talking?

ptak science books™ fun fact of the day: all women are different! if you look carefully, you'll find that they have disparate faces and clothes, and that the things that they say aren't identical robot-voiced sound bites about cloche hats and errol flynn—they actually express unique thoughts and opinions. in fact,

this is a gross generalization, of course, but i've found in my dating travels that many—if not most—men don't know what the word dress means. and will apply it to anything you're wearing that isn't your bra or underpants. (they know the words for those.) anything else is fair game—i bought a corduroy pencil skirt

yeah, not that your style isn't impeccable—i personally covet every single item pictured above—but it's a lot of deliberation/money to ask of someone who isn't getting paid. or thanked.

god, i love caster semenya. to stay strong through all the shit that has been piled on her, the horrifying makeover spectacles, the demanding and exploiting of info that is none of their biz in the first place . . . well. it takes balls.

that's fucked up, and thank god crystal renn likes herself enough as is to pipe up and call BS on it. not every girl i know would speak up if someone altered a photo of her to make her look thinner. you know?

"asian kids represent," because the cast of the jersey shore is so revered and respected? and not ridiculed worldwide? you mean? this right here is the image of the asian american that needs more promotion and representation?

this story gets more and more incredible as the letter goes on. not only that a. the dude said this to his girlfriend out loud, but that she then 2. didn't shitchan him instantaneously, despite the fact that 5. she has no existing body insecurities, and VIII. finally goes on to ACTUALLY CONSIDER getting breast

my mom claims that i was named after meggie clearly in the thorn birds, except it didn't come out until i was 2 years old.

i initially misunderstood this headline to mean "not all women wish they had big boobs," which upon closer inspection is stupid of me, but i was like "heck yes" for a minute there.

ugh. i still don't care much about my eyebrows, but sure as shit wasn't thinking about waxing them when i was in junior fucking high school. gross gross gross.