Maybe I’m old school
Maybe I’m old school
Between Mary Jo’s fastball and the Pennsylvania grand jury report, that’s going to be a lot of retired priests.
Post-Nixon America was so traumatized by Nixon’s crookery that it swerved around to elect a Sunday school teacher who was nice to the public, didn’t lie, and worked tirelessly for peace. Sometimes the backlash is a good thing.
They are never “coming” that is why they are so angry.
And you get to live in Sydney instead of Louisville.
Or how pissed off they are that we had the audacity to vote for a non-white person and a non-male person.
It’s now the conspiracy theory party. Full on transition. A few years ago, we used to laugh at Alex Jones and condemn his stupid thoughts. Now those same thoughts are on Fox News and being repeated by Senators and House members. It’s legit frightening how stupid a large portion of our country is.
I prefer this to pretending they did not interfere with our elections.
I’m getting really tired of the “Isekai” trope.
*STFU: Kobe
I’m pretty sure they make more than $130K.
It all makes sense when you remember that a Canadian win = .78 U.S. wins.
So, these people are so afraid of getting robbed or burgled that they bought a Ring (which aren’t cheap), are members of the “neighborhood watch”, and own at least one gotdamb firearm. These people are also so stupid that they shot at said “daytime doorbell ringing robber/burglar” whilst said Ring was recording.
Nothing triggers white conservatives like the idea that their ancestors might not have been very good people even relative to the morality of their time.
So if we’re following GOP logic, does that mean we have to call the child a plant, or GOP operative, and a liar?
Are you talking about indoor soccer? Cleveland Crunch won 3 titles in the 90s, but otherwise, the city did not have any professional association football back then.