
The issue I always have with people talking about voting third-party, is that the third party candidates aren’t about jack shit either. This isn’t a “Democrats and Republicans and the two party system” problem; it’s a “white people run the federal government” problem.

I can very easily understand the White House’s disgust with those gaming clips.

Damn, a whole comment that’s dumb as hell!

Well to be fair to all the bible thumping rubes, Obama was exceedingly black.

Obama: ordered the wrong kind of mustard that one time, amoral abomination.

What if he did?

The fact that we’re applauding teenagers for asking hard questions goes to show that the adult journalists have not been asking hard questions for years.

Growing up is learning about how shitty the Olympics are, to the point where it’s hard to enjoy them. I loved the Olympics as a kid so much.

From orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.

All anyone needs to know about Fox News.

“probably has the piss tape in high definition with directors commentary”

The fact that Mueller is making Donald Trump and this collection of scumbags shit in their pants is too good. He has his tax returns and probably has the piss tape in high definition with directors commentary. Trump and his family of grifters made one fatal mistake, they pissed off the intelligence community. These

What am I missing?

Counterpoint: Linda McMahon.

He can not, no.

other than John Thompson III (who was actually successful at Princeton before getting the Georgetown job), can you name a minority who benefited from nepotism to rise through the coaching ranks, or get numerous second chances, in college or pro sports?

The power structures of football are such that people like Chris Kiffin and Charlie Weis Jr. continually find themselves being given opportunities because of the families they come from.

House of Cards was canceled after actor Anthony Rapp accused Spacey of sexually assaulting him when Rap was 14 years old”

Since shameless grandstanding is the only thing this administration seems to understand, it’s time to take the fight back to them.

President Trump after your recently reported comments on Africa, are you concerned that the Black Panther movement is gaining traction in Wakanda?