Yeah, no, this is that bullshit. Assaulting an office ALONE means you get taken to the precinct in cuffs. Fuck is this?...
Yeah, no, this is that bullshit. Assaulting an office ALONE means you get taken to the precinct in cuffs. Fuck is this?...
“Justice is served!!!!”
So corny, so apt
Forgot “law abiding”
Deux mots (two words): Dead Obies
Here’s how much my wife and I love Bebop:
Milling around music for the wedding: “Waltz for Zizi”
Recessional music at the wedding: “Tank!”
The “Elvis has left the building” music after: “The Real Folk Blues”
Obama will do that just as soon as the more lefty side of the spectrum pulls their heads out of their asses, start using that tolerance stuff they keep talking about but never use, and realize that no amount of self-righteousness can force the world work the way that they want THIS. SECOND.
Must have been jackin’ dongs from a very early age
Welcome to life as a minority in the US...
Did she just suggest that if students on May 4 had guns that the National Guard wouldn’t have opened up on them and/or would have retaliated?
That last statement is COMPLETELY unfair to warmed over ass....
That said, what’s your deal with Lena? She was my #1 pick for 2010 (side note, Rybak was my number 2 the year before...I thought Brinck had it!)
Truly, I hate Robbie choppers
Placeholder for “we want that presale money now! Never mind the fact that it’s been delayed. Twice. Over a feature that is only compatible for ONE system (PSVR)!“
I will admit, having been relegated to OTA tv, pre and post-DTV, watching more than my fair share of Power Rangers. Amy Jo Johnson (original Pink) was a very brief childhood crush. Lightspeed Rescue and SPD weren’t bad. Time Force was suspect, but had its moments. Everything else after SPD/Time Force (whichever came…
Or, one could fully live in the now, buy an external hard drive and download/burn/torrent your favorite movies to it. Then all you have to do is plug it directly into your tv and enjoy!
Can we fire justaguy100 directly into the sun? For the good of not just ourselves, or the country, but for the good of the Party!
Thank God he stole it, because I can only imagine what kind of way too fucking awkward hacky bullshit Tim Heidecker would have come up with. Something probably involving an ECU of some kind of white cream sauce and a non-sexual body part totally being sexualized
Oh you didn’t know? Yo’ ass better call somebody! suffer (or skip) through that, because unless you see it, you won’t believe me
Isn’t this basically the backstory of Pixels IRL, sans video game invasion and Q*Bert impregnation?
That photo is so white that when the page loaded, the page started autoplaying “Zip-A-Dee-Do-Dah”