
That photo is so white that when I brought it up on my work computer, the eyes started following me around to see if I was going to steal anything off my own desk

For the first time in a long while, I actually see a few titles that I either recognize, or want to watch (and they’re not all mecha!)(and there’s more than one mecha anime that doens’t look like a cheesy IS style harem slice of life school setting!)!

i fuck with Leonardo’s every so often. Soo far away from everything...

The only reason why I had prior knowledge of this article’s subject matter is because I happen to be a fan of the JibJab Matzoh! rap.

Akronite checking in, and goddamn I cannot believe I’m seeing an article about jojos! And yes, we claim that shit, and anyone who has a problem can come here and floss

That said, Fiesta is good, Rascissi’s is better, old school Mama Rosa’s (now Mama Rose’s) were the best. Shout to Zippy’s (RIP/RSVP)

Goddamn poetry....

Bob, I remember going to Crunch games when I was in 4th and 5th grade. I even got a Crunch mini-soccer ball when I went to one of them. I still remember my favorite player’s name, because he has such a great name (Hector Marinaro) and he was a beast



And yet, this result that proves conclusively yet again that all politics are local, will not disabuse the Berniecrat wing of the Dems (or really ANYONE there or more liberal) of the notions that moderates aren’t bad, and that Democratic candidates don’t need to move farther left to win elections.

Meanwhile, the old

I remember watching anime (Speed Racer, Gatchaman/G-Force on Cartoon Network, and the Galaxy Express 999 movies on Sci-Fi) as a kid back when it was called “Japanimation”. This was a bit before they created Toonami

Mass props to them for putting the source of the legendary Amen break

So is he mad at being a cuck, or is he mad about being a neutered cuck?

Now what we need to do is get into the Aussie Rules game. I’d love to see that run with a dribble every couple of meters

I make the body count at four Sixers with Tristan getting got as a result of friendly fire

EXCELLENT pick for ‘98, as Rushmore is easily my favorite Wes Anderson movie (DON’T FUCK WITH MY PLAY!) but then in the same breath, for essentally the inverse of reasons, Marie Antoinette shouldn’t have been on this list. The SOLE reason why that movie was good was Jason Schwartzman, and he wasn’t in it long enough

Anyone else catch the shade at the end of that quote?

(Using the Major as an example of a “seminal character” in an brief discussion about whitewashing knowing ScarJo is guilty)

Maximum shade achieved, mic drop clearance granted.

This paragraph alone got shared. For every hippy-dippy “hurr-durr Bernie woulda won!” liberal/Leftist that opens their mouth lamenting if only the Dems would move more to the far left every problem would get fixed, THIS is the reason why a) they’re full of shit and b) it’ll never get done.


I gladly spend the money because I’m in my car A LOT, and I like listening to electronic music (where they have PLENTY of DJ shows on Electric Area and BPM from GOOD DJs), indie rock (XMU), Canadian indie rock (Radio 3, The Verge), chansons (ouais, je parle francais, donc InfluenceFranco, ou j’ecoute les matchs

Well, that didn’t sound at all like someone threw the script into a translator and pooped it out. Sounded very idiomatic, guys!