
Yeah, I’m just finding out about this now, so I’m just going to skip to the end in the interest of time...

They’re going to fuck this up. MASSIVELY.

Slow down nugget, you’ll hurt yourself tripping on the painfully obvious display of posturing that’s going on. Of course the House will do what it’s doing, because that’s the nature of the House. The Senate deliberates like adults, the House acts like five-year olds because they didn’t come up with the deal first.

As much as I would root for the Eagles, contrary to the piece’s insistence, no, I’m still not gonna watch this goddamn Super Bowl. If, IFF* I tune to the channel at the prescribed time, it will SOLELY be to watch the commercials. I’m not even going to watch the halftime show (it’s JT again, right?). I’ll have an

Apply what you just said to your response to my post except substitute that and latent racism to the Trump wing and standard conservatives, respectively (and I will do the same to a lesser extent to my response in tone).

Duh, but they haven’t been able to call them liars directly to their faces and be able to not only get away with it, but be completely right WITH PROOF. Now, if McConnell or Trump fucks this up (and they will), it can be done. Just think of all the Republican talking heads being asked if they were lying then about

*Sigh* I guess I should get used to responses like yours in this new age of political polarization: an inability to actually THINK politically.

Okay, first, you begin from a false premise, namely, essentially the entirety of your previous comment. While I DO agree that a functional majority of the GOP will rubberstamp

Or maybe the people you think as having a soft spine might know how to play the game better than you can. To be as clear as I was with You. above, Dems do need to up their game, but upping their game doesn’t mean “move more to the left”, nor does it mean “act impuslively”, “cave to the GOP more” or “commit political

Do you not understand the nature of politics? The LAST thing the GOP in either chamber wants to is be painted as either liars or racists. If there’s not a DACA deal after all of this (ESPECIALLY if Dems have to shut it down in February), you can EXPECT a whole lot of people doing both, and appropriately crucifying the

Agreed, and before we go any further, I’m 100% IN FAVOR of DACA and getting these 800k the protection that they DESPERATELY need. However, sentimentality must give way to pragmatism and the nature of politics. The Dems traded this shutdown, on which their names could be blamed for picking a “seemingly irrelevant”

Your assumption seems to forget the fact that we’re talking about TWO different deadlines. Feb 8th to have a vote for a budget and talks on DACA, and up to March 5 before deportations (which both sides have already gone on record as saying won’t happen) could happen. There’s about a month where there would still be

Best case scenario, Dems get CHIP funding for six years and McConnell keeps his word and has a straight process and a clean DACA vote. Worst case scenario, Dems get six years of CHIP funding and can say the GOP flagrantly lied, has it on record, is on record as being the party trying to hold talks. and can shut it

Okay...if they either create a Labo, or someone goes ham and peps out a fricking Gundam for that upcoming title that’s coming to the Switch, that WILL get my attention in a damned quick hurry

Transplanted brotha from Akron ringing in here from PGH (technically Cranberry as I’m at work doing tech shit): 1) Holy shit I didn’t know what I was getting into when I moved here five and a half months ago, but I do now. You’re preaching the word here. 2) Yes, all the black people I’ve ever seen are clustered on the

If ever ther ewas a textbook definition on when you should son someone, surely, this is it. Dude got taken to the river...

Please tell me someone has backed up the Gawker archive

Here’s a short list, because I’m a masochist lol:

Ace Combat 5: First Flight (I always see if I can clear the bad guys and shadow Grimm with the squad in formation above so that when he comes up, he just joins like it’s badass), Ice Cage (because of the music and scenery), 8492-Ancient Walls (the cinematic of the

Is there a reason why the Ace Combat series is not on this list? ESPECIALLY 4-6 (That’s AC4: Shattered Skies, AC5: The Unsung War, ACZero: The Belkan War, and AC6: Fires of Liberation, for those who don’t already know)

As long as we’re clear that this particular season’s team (or perhaps even the expansion era Browns, though arguments can be made) is what’s being referred to as “historically bad”, instead of the franchise (which it’s not, and if you want to say otherwise, we can go dueling pistols at dawn on the North Coast), then