
+1 Well done Mr. Dufresne

I’m looking forward to that Dear Rouge drop in April

I’m sorry, are you really calling THAT a dunk?! Dear God, I hope you’re being sarcastic because if not, then we may as well call granny freethrows fadeaway treys and we all put our heads on our desks and take naps

As a native Akronite who recently moved to Pittsburgh, I have two things to say. First, fuck the Steelers (and I’ve said it aloud). Last, it’s ride or die in the Land, so if you’re not with us now, don’t come ‘round for the Super Bowl parade (when it eventually happens)!


Do we have a list of everything used, because I saw a distinct lack of Voltron, Gatchaman (Battle of the Planets/G-Force), Gundam (no Wing, no SEED, no 00?!), crack from Gainax/IG/Trigger (Gurren, Kill la Kill, Excel Saga, Abenobashi) and a few others

Jezebel did a March Madness style bracket a few years back that I shamelessly cribbed at work. We agreed that Mele Kalikimaka was the worst, followed by I Want a Hippo and Feliz Navidad

Yeah...I remember just a few years ago (like 2014, 2015 even) where I would would get lost watching the multiple anime series I was watching. Now, other than Iron Blooded Orphans, I can’t think of the last anime series I watched all the way through in real time. I started 91 Days, but never finished it.

Oh yeah, last

What’s with the no love for Ace Combat 7?

I’ve said it many times, and I’ll say it again. If I don’t see a wing of Enterprises on the approach to Thonia, then the whole thing is a waste.

Also, where there is an RX-78, must surely be a White Base....

But we need to spend even more money on that F-35 guys! It’ll work correctly one day!

Yeah, agree with everything EXCEPT the chicken. We don’t have chicken on Thanksgiving, that’s like....having chicken on Thanksgiving

There’s some geography to consider. Don’t forget that there’s two rivers and lots of highway miles that literally split the city, along with a crapton of marsh land. Also, there’s the question of how to handle tOSU. It’s so large (4 sq mi. It has its own zip code!) that you’re going to want to have east and west

Everyone, please pay attention to the woman sitting over Sessions’ left shoulder. She’s having a BALL at seeing this dude twist in the wind

I got the “you’re really *smart*” line, in addition to actually being quite intelligent. Liking sci-fi, electronic music, and eventually anime didn’t exactly help my cause...

My (Navajo/eastern European white) wife and I..

*Had the healthcare talk just after we got engaged, and moved up the wedding, courthouse style (to just before my birthday...Valentine’s day, to be specific), just in case the GOP had manage to upgefuk the system.
*Had The Talk regarding kids and “acting white” (and an

Don’t forget our Cheeto-in-Chief....

Well of course she is, she’s goddamn Kasidy Yates!

Their lack of Ace Combat 7 footage (one carrier takeoff) worries me. I’ve seen the trailers, and they’re good, but not enough to market heavily on the sizzler?

Are we sure this guy is human?

No, born and raised in NE Ohio, went to college in Columbus. I did move to PA for a better jerb, but that was only in the last six months