
This NE Ohioan who lived in Columbus for five years thinks you’ve never been there, and are over the top at best and a complete idiot at worst.

Actually, Data was not the first person to say shit. He wasn’t the second either (he was the third). From Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home:

Former Columbus resident (and proud tOSU alum) here. This is a total racket. One could almost walk to Crew Stadium from Downtown Columbus. I wouldn’t want to walk through the streets between N. 4th and the other side of 71, but it can be done in about 90. Many people would be coming through from campus or thereabouts,

Event Horizon......

To this day, I still can’t watch that movie start to finish....

The only fish as a breakfast meat I’ll eat is lox

William Hughes’ comment on The West Wing is particularly interesting to me as it won the Emmy for Best Theme Song in 1999 (over my personal favorite in the category, Jack of All Trades, which has a legit baller theme)

When they claim he said that ‘a’, can we have someone there to ask if he can be lent a pencil?

If it’s a new version of the original Gameboy I might buy backup if my original (still functioning!) one breaks

Is this an official notice from the Ministry of Silly Walks?

Conspicuously absent: The Iron Giant, Star Trek: First Contact (maybe even Undiscovered Country), Titan AE, The Martian

This line alone made my day

I’m sorry, is that the Hideauze Bloom (that huge ass beam cannon that they tried and miserably failed to blow up in the pilot) from Suisei no Gargantia?!

Did not even know feculent was a word. #TheMoreYouKnow

Okay look, yes. If you are able bodied, have nothing wrong with you, and are actually able to get a job, then yes, GET A JOB! People gaming the system are the ones bringing it down, we get that.

THAT SAID, we need to take care of those who are legit disabled. The job search can (and is) more difficult if you happen to

I’ve already sent an email, but you missed one in my zip code (but not my rep): Keith Rothfus (R-PA 12) took $5500 from the NRA

After we run out of Obamas, we’re going to offer the new rotating presidency to the Williams sisters, who will be followed by any African-American person who has earned the scorn of white people simply for being good at their job.

I hate the Yankees (Go Tribe!), but that’s hilarious, no matter who’s doing it

I’m not sure what you mean by accessible in this case. There are copies of DDR Max and Max2 (the best in the series, IMHO) on shelves at almost every GameStop I’ve been to in the last few years. There’s DDR for Wii (last console stop in 2011) and iOS (last non-arcade stop, 2013). I personally had DWI (Dance with

How can you have a rhythm section without Beatmania/Stepmania/DDR? All of the rhythm games you listed would literally not exist without it, save Parappa the Rappa (which literally created the genre, so good on you there!)

Did we expect anything less from NASCAR? I mean really?