
Well played on number 8.

And for those Pluto truthers out there, I just have one question for you: Do you even know what a barycenter is (without looking it up)?

Half-Life 3 confirmed?

One thing that most (if not all) of these long streakers have in common that I hope does NOT follow for the Tribe: They never won the World Series at the ends of their runs.

Conversely, now that the ‘17 Tribe is being compared to the greatest teams in all baseball history, the one thing for them the does apply to most

I don’t care that he’s a crook, Cleveland won a title, and the sports world has to acknowledge it!

No love for Mass Effect’s Carnifex?

Holy shit, I got posted! My day is MADE :D

Slow motion vuvuzelas = normal speed didgeridoos. Gotcha.

Stephen A with a head of (justifiable, this time) steam on a political show making these people look absolutely FOOLISH is one of the high points of my day

What does the 13th say about pwning?

Steph Curry going cold on 3s

I feel you, I was just there lol. Honestly, I’d just need the networks, rerun secondaries, and that French channel, and I’d be OTA set

Don’t knock OTA tv. One station: Heroes & Icons (or H&I) has the win right now: Renegade, Hercules, Xena, and (LITERALLY) EVERY EPISODE OF STAR TREK EVER MADE! (That includes the freaking ANIMATED series)

Does that mean I get to use the Schiller defense to crap on white people by referring to country music as “honky tonk”, with emphasis on the honky?

Yeah, I have Star Build Strike Plavsky Wing, but I knew that they had made another one without

No 00 Raiser? AGE-FX? And is that Full Burning Gundam, or Star Build Strike (no Plavsky Wing) next to your Freedom?

You do realize that your first paragraph not only proves Harriot’s point, but opens it up to essentially the entirety of human history? How far back can we go? If you happen to be one of those religious traditionalists with a sense of history, then the scene in The Ten Commandments where Ethiopia is giving tribute to

Even though they are technically OVAs, no love for Escaflowné or Endless Waltz? You are (Not) Alone?

Charging kandio. Mokuhyou: Linku. GN Megalauncher hassh-- matte! Gundam janai ka?! Nani?!

Glad to see you did the smart thing from the jump and GIF out that Falcon shot. I backed up the video four times myself to see it (the second two times to check the angle of the lasers that took the TIE out to see fi it came from the Falcon. I’m not convinced.)

So they’ve cracked BSG style FTL then?