And of course, what good is a forever alone pod without a TV with the entire Star Wars saga, especially the crappy prequel trilogy?
And of course, what good is a forever alone pod without a TV with the entire Star Wars saga, especially the crappy prequel trilogy?
Interestingly enough, his name sounded familiar, but I immediately knew him from his callsign (namely because the BSG episode "The Hand of God" is one of my favorites, and he happens to figure into a large part of it)
As long as there's no MKV support, Sony can suck a big fat one.
S is part of the French alphabet, but there are very specific (and weird) grammar and pronunciation rules, which then lead to spelling changes. In this instance (and without getting into the hardcore details) the s (a fricative consonant) devoices the next letter, which makes the next vowel devoiced. Since the next…
Trivia nugget that I will assume no one could give a pair of dingo's kidneys about: The caret (in French circonflex) above the O comes from the days of our buddy William the Conqueror. When he invaded England and made everyone there speak French, the Normans stole a great many words from the Saxons, but because of…
You forgot about Commander Shepard
Yeah, I had to stop what I was doing and throw down a five spot on this.
That sounds like you are not having enough fun in your life. Yes, the Walter White one was not funny, nor was Joan of Arc, but most everything else was.
I think it was way too short, and they were intentionally trying to rig it for Superman by giving him slightly more time, but I think Goku squeaked it at the end.
Hey Rich, I'm noticing a distinct lack of Black Bullet and Captain Earth
I hope the anime adaptation isn't a desperate, fanboy, shameless rip off of Arpeggio of Blue Steel: Ars Nova
Dear Washington, D.C. ,
Dear Every other MLS city,
Star Build Strike legs and flair, Strike Freedom arms and dragoons, AGE-FX torso, double solar reactors from 00 Raiser, Strike's head. TransAm w/ SEED mode. Dockable craft is optional
If we're talking about boy band (yes, I read the article, they are what they are) pop songs, maybe. But I'm not calling squat yet. Everyone one all over Robin Thicke's balls last summer when in reality it was Get Lucky that was the song of the summer (and one the hardware to prove it)
Any scene with Ragyo and Satsuki together is hot, and more than a little disturbing, given what happens
The first episode of Captain Earth is quite good. I love the Japanese predilection of using the English word 'captain' as a noun or honorific, rather than as a title (because kan-cho!) I'm looking forward to Black Bullet though. I have high hopes.
I enjoy DJ Miko's cover way too much
As someone who lives 35 minutes away from Cleveland, kindly go fuck yourself...