
Can we say gratuitous use of whiteface?

Not one good anime did TV Tokyo air during moments of serious newsworthy events.

Dear Dylstew,

Seriously people? No love for Nobunagun? The only anime I'm watching are Kill la Kill (because if you're not by now, just kill yourself [metaphorically, of course] already), Gundam Build Fighters (it doesn't suck as much as I thought it was going to) and Nobunagun

Now, I think I have to dig up my Descent CDs....

The porn star mission was one of the best, especially because you get to fly around town in a plane you didn't have to jack or piss off the military by stealing it with a hacked tank

I just have two words on this: The fuck?

Jesus Christ, is there one non-schoolgirl derivative trading card weird animal witchcraft that MAY feature robot aliens discovered IN SPACE! anime on this season that's NOT Space Dandy? Last season I was following six or seven anime. This season, I'll stick to what was on last season that is continuing (Gundam Build

I know, I did read. I was answering why sales didn't do too well (because they didn't give us anything new except 3D), and then how they could update it (whole new smash, reboot, using Ace Combat)

That's because Starfox 3D was nothing but 64 shrunk and 3Dified. I'm looking for a whole new smash, or a full reboot. If only they'd go Ace Combat with it....

While Assault Horizon was sexy graphically, I truly hate playing that game. Most of it makes no frigging sense. Dogfight mode is cool, but what's the point if you can't do that shit manually?

Okay, who do I have to pay off, fuck, kill, torture or whatever to get my hands on this soundtrack right now? Daddy needs his fix now!

Another good example of that in one bit of dialogue from Snatch to show both the condescending/patronizing and assertive sides of the coin:

I concede and agree with that first part, it is naturally a patriotic name. I wholeheartedly disagree with SEED being lame (but that's an age/culture thing, so I'll let that alone. I will agree with you that SEED Destiny was pretty damn whiny). Also, while not unprecedented, they did it in classic Gundam style. They

Now, on a purely artistic skill level, that's hot. Otherwise, what flag waving jackass would have possibly stripped Strike Freedom of its inherent badassery by doing that to it...?

I was just telling a co-worker that I need to get some reinforcements when I go to Ohayocon. Strike Freedom guards my computer


Screw the Rock Cats! AKRON AEROS (and screw the new Rubberducks name!) FOR THE FRAKKING WIN!!!!

Thanks for the clarification. I did not understand the progression of that with the kinda of awkward phrasing. Given that, yes, the Browns D has gone down (statistically) but, he, they got it done against the Ravens (who are totally sub par this year)

I don't know if someone out there can't read a graph, if I'm stoned, or if the graph is that confounding, but it seems to me that the Browns D has gotten better from preseason (above) to week 5 (below)