
This took a good two months of my life to pull off to wear for night or two. Lots of good tutorials on how to do it

Now playing

Well played sir, well played. I'm partial to this this interrupt myself:

It's no cosplay, but one last time for shits and giggles, here's my Shepard:

Green screened tomfoolery!

That is an actual, factual picture of me from this morning. I have a green screened one from work that will go on my twitter shortly (the screen names are the same), and I will be taking pics at Chipotle and the bar later on tonight

I'm rocking the Shepard costume this year

Hey now, my PS2 is in fact connected to my main TV. Why? For my girlfriend: Kingdom Hearts and Disgaea. For me: Ace Combat 4, Ace Combat 5, and Ace Combat Zero. Yes I have a backwards compatible PS3, but the saving is not trustworthy for a damn

Now, normally, I would start burning people down who talk crap about the grate flake of Ohio....

I'm an Ohioan from the opposite corner of the state (the A-K Rowdy), and I personally know of NO ONE who likes Skyline chili. In fact, here in Akron, it's Swenson's (or Skyway, both of which have been featured on Food Network for their burgers. Swenson's has had the title of Best Burger in America recently) or GTFO.

I'm sorry, he didn't fall from space. He did not cross the Karman line. He was only up to about 32 miles. Still a kickass accomplishment that I totally watched live and squeed at like everyone else, but it was NOT space!

I'm partial to "Not Quite Paradise"- Bliss 66 and "Cosmic Castaway"- Electrasy

Well played Tina. I'm not the biggest fan of wispy indie/electro, but this works for me.

God... I was in high school when that came out...but I'm still so totally about to fire that back up now

I still have it for N64

Leo, from a gamer who truly HATES RPGs, please take the following advice: for the love of Christ, TAKE THE TIME! You will not be disappointed. And when you get to ME3, don't let the naysayers about the ending get to you, it's still worth it.

As long as it's better than freaking Assault Horizon. Yes, the graphics were the shizz, but for Chrissakes, could they have phoned in the the plot any more blatantly? And the fact that it's real world instead of Strangereal...

I think the funny thing here is that the headmaster was fired over this, and yet the Board has yet to get off their candyasses and do the clearly obvious right thing here. Not even a peep from them, and where's the number 2 guy? Surely the vice-head would have something to say, unless he's under a gag for PR/legal

Juggernaut, bitch!

Alien (Facehugger)

Unless the PS4 has backwards compatibility with everything from PS2 up, they still lose.