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    Some Ry”facts”:

    Trailer is Godawful. And this is the franchise that made Bill Murray a God. Lots of history to live up to.

    See! Last Friday people were whining about all the Prince op-eds. Now its Monday and we’re back to every stupid thing a Kardassian does.

    To court a Pastrami on Rye is to court death

    Jesus, the guy is DEAD. Lots of people loved, liked, or respected the shit out of him!

    Said (a variation of) this on another thread.

    Never mind all this... Let me know when we have a date and fighter for CM Punk

    I’m somewhat consumed with the idea that Watts has GOT to be looking for a New team... One with a championship future.

    Oh, they had better log off their Instagram when Guns N Roses take the stage.

    It’s funny how the first seven episodes of Season 6's second half was praised for it’s tight action and nicely structured narrative (Rick has turned into the Governor?). Then the final episode ran and NOW everyone is like, “How much does this series SUCK!”

    So long as the Kardashians refuse to accept that there are real and actual people, places, and things that are far more interesting than their shallow lives, none of them will ever be good at anything other than their sheltered E Network existence.

    Three and quick outs for Drew Barrymore? Sounds like someone who hasn’t realized that the sun does not rise and set according to her wishes.

    Comment that dog and woman making same face? Check.

    All exacerbated by the guys the fans DO get behind that McMahon openly treat as less than his handpicked top stars.

    Addendum: they aren’t maintaining new fans as much as lifers, who remember a much more exciting period 18 years ago with the BIGGEST names all on the same card operating at their peak:.Steve Austin, The Rock, Undertaker, Mick Foley, HHH, Shawn Michaels, and an absolutely insane tag team division.. Things are just so

    Long story short, he’s been shoved down the audience’s throats in the SAME manner as Hulk Hogan, Triple H, John Cena, and every other monster jacked bodybuilder that Vince favors. Today’s fans are pretty tired of it.

    That is a company’s attempt to build their biggest show of the year while many of their BIGGEST stars out with injuries, and trying to set up a guy named Roman Reigns as the Face of their company, ignoring the 99% of the audience that boos him out of every building.

    Oh come on, Good Ol’ JR needs work. Vince McMahon dumped his ass for permanent douchebag Michael Cole. Give him a break. Fans universally loved the Sooner

    Kind of hoping Simmons recruits Rick Reilly just to watch Deadspin’s meltdown

    Or... We can stay where we are and enjoy all the limitless drinking water at our disposal!