//TODO think of display name

Yup, I fully willing to trust in Marvel to do things mostly right as well, happy to.

The whole hammer magic\anyone who is worthy, I'm ok with. Its just uber advanced technology. Imagine showing someone from the victorian times your mobile phone for example, and that only a couple of hundred years worth of development

Can not recommend this comment enough, kick ass lecturer there...

I cant see how Doctor Strange is going to fit into the MCU. It will be the first time out and out magic is part of the movie universe. Even Thor was completely technology based. I wonder will the separate him from the MCU.

Offshore wind turbines are really costly to build, way more than in land wind turbines.

I read this article thinking the headline was "12 most Competent Supervillans of All Time". Alot of the choices still made sense...

so much wrong with that statement

I'm going to go against the grain here, this isn't the worst idea I've heard. All quality media I watch is on my TV, the respected stuff. The only reason I go to a multiplex is pure spectacle, and there seems to be less and less of that. If I could expect one reasonably made big budget spiderman related movie once a

I have so much confidence Gareth Edwards can bring some of his skill set from Monsters to this. I really like the way studios are trusting indie directors with proven talent to helm large budget summer block buster movies. All hope might not be lost yet for the industry.

Awake finished nicely man. A tight one season story with a decent conclusion.

Urgh, god I hope not. Jebus, Brian Singer said that movie was cannon and all actually. The only cannon he wont fuck with is the cannon that doesnt matter to anyone

I think the impact of Hershel has affected everyone ... He was a sage, he was wise, he was kind, he was selfless.

And I don't have to wear a helmet. And if you think about it, why doesn't Magneto wear a helmet in this movie? That's a clue to what's going to go on in the movie.

Good luck getting Jupiter to scale

Just going on what the trailer says, its only just themselves that call them "Guardians of the Galaxy". Most people just think they're a bunch of "a'holes"

I love how bored and random their movements look in the lineup. Fits in with the overall funny vibe

Outstanding gif sir, outstanding

Don't even care about the hate. Kate Mara and Jamie Bell - Win.

she looked embarrassed to be in every X-Men movie. Thats why I think her character is not popular with fans. Its under-developed and under-performed.

Yea, not sure you could say Halle Berry looks anything like she's "been fighting a war for ten years"