
At some point, I feel like we men have to take responsibility for the toxic masculinity that gives rise to this. The brand of insecure egoism that gives rise to the obsession to control women and especially exes is a perversion of actual strength and honor, but those values are nevertheless part of its source.

Right. Second hack, third shot.

Lavar Ball and Donald Trump have to have a common relative somewhere. That amount of ego and dickishness have to be genetic.

Keep Austin Weird At All Costs

What makes this extra fucked up are the rumors that Cosby had Bonet fired from A Different World because of the sex scenes in Angel Heart and a topless photo shoot in Interview.

So they can perpetually operate at a loss like Amtrak? Thus being subsidized even further by tax payers? Most of the Amtrak routes that lose money don’t serve a unique public good. They are glory projects for local legislators. The people could be equally or better served with a bus.

LOL don’t worry I do that too. I got my ass kicked on Jezebel because of that a few weeks ago

Milk is for baby cows.