5-run 9th was for you, gurriel; grassy-ass, amigo! go dodgers!!
5-run 9th was for you, gurriel; grassy-ass, amigo! go dodgers!!
it would be “nip”, u racist fuck. -chinese guy
men. egos. move on. i did. the only thing we don’t have a surplus of is time; use it wisely, i.e., be beneficial to urself n others, period.
ur talkin in the purely hypothetical, right? nobody has ever made a ‘sushi casserole’ before. no such thing. u white ppl r whack!
he lost me at ‘jewish christian’
so, much to do about nothing; nothing to see here, move on.
sticky fingers, houses of the holy, who’s next, wish you were here, abbey road...
sticky fingers, houses of the holy, who’s next, wish you were here, abbey road...
that was indeed a proposterous whistle on z’bo; i fuckin loathe it when the refs call imaginary fouls.
glad someone POINTed this out.
i don’t believe the lymie even knows it’s a deragatory remark.
no helmet can ever stop ur brain from moving around inside ur skull.
third SERIES.
turkey. egg.
yeah, i was wondering wtf...but apparently RR n the entire team didn’t give a crap n argue about it when they could’ve used the :02 for a hail mary from midfield.
coming in with ur forearm to the head area during a slide n causing the QB’s head to whiplash on the turf is NOT pulling up. fine/suspension is in order.
jerry jones has doomed the cowboys for the foreseeable future by making a deal with the devil, aka greg hardy. romo shouldn’t even come back to this year’s dumpster fire; hopefully, satan won’t be around next season...
wzzm: eat a store full of shoes.
laker great. so versitile. pulling for u, #7. (fyi, lakers traded shaq to the heat in ‘04 for lamar et al; he won 2 c’ships w/kobe & co. in ‘09 & ‘10)