
Oh my gosh, that both ruined everything for me and made my day. I am so confused right now.

"Queensland" hahahaha

Ooh I see what you did there! It's like a makeup pun!

That much isn't normal is it? I feel like I'd never look at anyone again if everyone had that many strings... I'm beginning to realise that I am far shallower than I would like to admit.

I honestly can't stop looking at her. That gif now owns my life.

Can I ask you lovely, knowledgeable people a question? How can you tell the difference between "like you-like you or just like you, or just want to fuck you, or would date you for realz, or are actually really into your sister"? Thanks in advance!

I'm absolutely for the protection of all animals but I have to say that I take issue with PETA. Not necessarily with their stance on this case (especially if the animal supplier has been investigated before) but with their love of jumping up and down self righteously. They are so big on creating a stir as publicly as

I really do like the sound of that! I have a drum kit, piano and a violin at home, I think we're set!

My favourite part is this highly ironic photo she posted:

Good lord she's wearing sleeveless! And don't those hole-like earrings remind us all of other bodily holes? The penetration of her earring through her ear- *faints*.

Excuse me while I vomit.

Do you think they will find strong minded, independent thinking whores though? I certainly hope that they do, but I don't think Mommy (so weird to write that with an "o"!) would approve. I would honestly pay to see her reaction if they did!

I think "sin holsters" is my new favourite expression.

I read "dillholes" as "dildos" and literally laughed out loud at the mental image.

I'm watching Anchorman now and it's just at that scene! I'm not even going to comment on the article as it's too early for me to want to slap someone through the internet.

That's really interesting, thank you LibbyBell! When I was at school they stressed that both (or all) participants should take responsibility for contraception (as in have a condom ready) but they were suggesting male condoms, and dental dams were the main female barrier method discussed. I like that it gets rid of

I have a question about female condoms (blame the school system, we didn't talk about them at all): do they protect against STI/STDs the same way that male condoms do?

That is some serious imagery.

You are far more sensible than I am margaerymoth!

I think Revenge knows it is soapy though. The Newsroom definitely does not.