
Era Vulgaris is a great album. It is also, in my opinion, their most ambitious album. Most of the tepid reviews I’ve read bitch about the lack of Nick Oliveri; they really should review the album they have and not whatever fantasy album exists in their head.

Smh at the continued disrespect for EV. Like Clockwork has some good songs but getting through it is an absolute slog. EV sounds like Evil Santa’s workshop where elves are making toys for bad kids with power tools. It’s fun!

It does kinda feel like nobody did any user research for this migration.
“Just slap a blog format on it, it works for kotaku” without realising there are violently different user habits & content types on A.V. Club.

The grey was introduced to block offensive animated gif spam, which was a big problem for about nine minutes. Then it turned out greys were a handy way to mass-ignore people complaining about the site, pointing out basic mistakes in articles, and so on. So, years later, there are still people stuck in the grey, and