
“Era Vulgaris was a disappointment on every level”

The same album that has Misfit Love on it?

ok sure whatever guy

I finally managed to forget that article existed and now I'm livid.

I still argue that there was some actual good stuff in Lament of Innocence. The combat was fun and it really did feel like what Castlevania could actually be like in 3D. And the music was INCREDIBLE.

Agreed for Sonic 1. The rest of the master system Sonic games have some varying quality, but 1 is legit a fun time the whole way through.

God, Disqus doesn't even have a learning curve. Sign up, click reply, you're done. Reply goes right to the thing you've replied to, stays in order, literally couldn't be any more simple.

We didn't have a DVD player until our family got a Playstation 2.

Kind of bummed they aren't hitting the midwest. Some great chains out here, maybe the'll do it next year.

Honestly as someone who was there it wasn't /that/ bad. It actually became a whole bunch of fun after the event ended and everybody ran out and explored Chicago in big groups, running to raids and whatnot. When it got less congested the servers finally started being stable and the 3 or so hours after the event ended

I think its a genuine toss up in the sound department.

Finally, someone says it. Blurry polygons, that dreadful controller, and some noticeably poor framerates (OoT ran at a "cinematic" 20FPS thats was pretty noticeable even back then) The games were also /considerably/ more expensive than the ones on the Playstation.


I absolutely adored my Zune 80. Had a great menu system, lots of space, great sound quality, and the Zune app was way better than iTunes. And it had HEXIC!

the CGC is tippy tops

Meanwhile George Lopez eagerly awaits in the corner, ready for his grand return to late night.

Why have the rich interesting environments you know and love like Sky Sanctuary or Quartz Quadrant when you can have the boring old real world instead.

Why have the rich interesting environments you know and love like Sky Sanctuary or Quartz Quadrant when you can have the boring old real world instead.

I live my life one mushroom at a time. For those 4 seconds or less, I'm free.

A holy man like Richter Belmont's one true weakness? Cream pie.

I actually find a lot of the unfocused aspects part of SotN's charm. A ridiculous amount of items, most of which you may never even stumble across. Fighting game inputs for spells (or character movement in Richter's case) Lots of quirks in the general movement and behavior of the game, and countless ways to replay the

Castlevania II is not a bad game by any stretch tbh, but all of the in game hinting is horribly translated and often BLATANTLY WRONG. There are retranslated romhacks that attempt to fix this but yeah, it's a game you want Nintendo Power for.