
YAY Delocated!

I assure you what I am doing is perfectly safe, legal, and tax deee-ductible!

@avclub-f365c0cee72aa186f5a6e0b174cfc256:disqus Blast Hardcheese!

Fenton, Fenton, we hate you.
You're an idiot, and I hope you turn blue.
Because you can't breathe.

So many great episodes ahead of us too!

That'd be a slam dunk.

Uhhhhh. Is it weird that I kinda wanna fuck Hooper?

"Hey what is your name?"

Movies don't count.

"And now the power's out."
"Doesn't matter. You don't have any food………….this kind of makes me want to loot you."

And quite frankly, pretty much ANYONE at ISIS will sexually assault you if you pass out.

Hey now, The original Nintendo DS fits in my large hands quite nicely, and it's also the last thing to be made out of true Nintendo-grade plastic before the switch to the cheap crap included with the Wii and DS Lite. My DS has literally survived a fall down a flight of stairs.

Actually no. Bob's keeps all of the actors in the same room and records at the same time, and improvisation is encouraged. Whereas for Archer they usually record their lines one at a time, with very little improv.

Accurate Calendars
Socks it to Me!
The Visor Advisor
Fudge N' Stuff
Mrs. Cookielady
For Goodness Sakes Keepsakes

He was. Loren mentioned them in one of the extras on the season one dvds.

Wings? We don't need wings when we have buffalo skins.

Please tell me this is some sort of elaborate prank.

Every season of Bob's Burgers adds another instrument to the theme song, too!

Lets be honest people, it’s incredible that Ben and Kate managed to air 13 episodes with the ratings it was getting and I thank Fox for letting it last as long as it did. They gave Ben and Kate a consistent timeslot, aired it with similar shows, aired the episodes in order, and didn’t push it around the week. They

Lets be honest people, it’s incredible that Ben and Kate managed to air 13 episodes with the ratings it was getting and I thank Fox for letting it last as long as it did. They gave Ben and Kate a consistent timeslot, aired it with similar shows, aired the episodes in order, and didn’t push it around the week. They