
Anger Management has stabilized at a 0.8 range, which is a similar to/less than what Sunny usually does when it stabilizes.

He was also one half of Walter and Perry!

He was also one half of Walter and Perry!

Jimmy Jr. is close. Like a preteen version of Jason.

Jimmy Jr. is close. Like a preteen version of Jason.

Both were fantastic but NTSF still managed to top it for me tonight. These shows together make the funniest half hour of television (currently, anyway)

Both were fantastic but NTSF still managed to top it for me tonight. These shows together make the funniest half hour of television (currently, anyway)

NTSF is just killing it this year. Even without Alison Brie. Last season was good, but we're only three episodes in and this season has almost already surpassed it.

NTSF is just killing it this year. Even without Alison Brie. Last season was good, but we're only three episodes in and this season has almost already surpassed it.



You've got the wrong C. McGinley. You're thinking of John C. McGinley, not Ted C. McGinley.

You've got the wrong C. McGinley. You're thinking of John C. McGinley, not Ted C. McGinley.

While Poundstone is an excellent improviser, I've always felt that the child/parent relationship between Brendon and Janine's Paula was much more organic.

While Poundstone is an excellent improviser, I've always felt that the child/parent relationship between Brendon and Janine's Paula was much more organic.

The first night of Adult Swim started with Director's Cut.

The first night of Adult Swim started with Director's Cut.

"My client wants points. No points and we walk!"