
"When you get into an elevator with a woman, press a higher number than her, and make a BIG DEAL about it."

Hygienist: "Dr. Yap will be right with you"
Bob in dental-instrument voice: "Okay!"
Hygienist: "Don't touch the instruments, they're sterille."
Bob in dental-instrument voice: "It's okay! We're friends!"
Hygienist: "No it's not okay you're not supposed to touch the instruments. I was being serious."
Bob: "Oh…Okay."

Snakes and Barrels II and Black Fire Upon Us, the two 22 minute episodes in Season 2, are in my top 5 (possibly even top 3) favorite Metalocalypse episodes.

@avclub-eac75edc18b8546c46893fe4b75ab995:disqus Good point.

Yes there is, if you're over 50 years old.

That's what they say, but we're going to do it.

Beware the mighty Septopus what a dandy guy!
He lives on top of the submarine and he's always eating pies!
He's always eating pies up there and throwing festivals!
He's the grandest guy in town with seven testicles!

Kind of upset to see that Metalocalypse didn't get AV Club coverage, but Eagleheart did.

@avclub-1881baeccb7399f3452cd7f37cdb2b29:disqus I can only imagine Dee's "Cat in the wall" situation, but with roommates instead of cats.


I feel obligated to defend Napoleon Dynamite purely because it actually ended up being more enjoyable than the movie and wasn't a complete pile of dogshit like everyone thought it would be.

Mr. Ford's ass is everywhere.

Doc Shades.

My Jon Benjamin fandom comes from Home Movies, but from Jason, not McGuirk. Although I do love McGuirk.

Correction: Brak and Zorak are hosting Cartoon Planet. Not Space Ghost.

I think Delocated would have done better if the advertisements didn't turn a bunch of AV Clubbers away from the show.

I'd say give it a shot. The jokes can be uneven at times, but its usually entertaining enough to enjoy anyway.

Season 1 Eagleheart was quite uneven at times, but I'm glad to see Season 2 open strongly. I'd place this on the same level as Skycrime and Death Punch. I don't love this show, but when it works it makes for a fun and ridiculous 11 minutes.

So Delocated, China IL, and Frankenhole aren't funny?

Let me just say, "I am responding to a threat on my life." Are you good with that, Brendon? We've got that? Okay good.