
Delocated, yes. But Eagleheart? I don't think so. The bad episodes of Eagleheart were really cringeworthy, and I cannot say the same about Childrens Hospital.

Incredible jokes/minute ratio.
This show does more with 15 minutes than most comedies do with 30 or more.

King of the Hill is alright. It airs outside of the usual block, so it's easy to avoid the bad episodes, but still in a good spot to catch the good ones.

Oh yeah, forgot about the whole lookout thing, thought that was resolved.

No way. Last Sunday's Family Guy was actually good for a change.

There are two more animated shows coming to the lineup next year too. Although they both look like new "Sit Down Shut Up"s and not "Bob's Burgers"


It's not TV Club Classic, but PLEASE oh PLEASE cover the next season of Delocated. In fact, when the season 1 and 2 DVD comes out, you should really go over those episodes too. It really deserved coverage last season.

Pete and Pete!
I was expecting to get a Memory Wipe article on Pete and Pete, but this is even better.

Hit Gossip Girl In The Poop
The only review of an Friedberg/Seltzer movie you need.

Death Punch is online now
Watch and learn.

Anyone else feel
…that the giant "TV-MA" label covered up a bunch of jokes on those movie posters in the beginning?

This week's obvious Frisky Dingo callback!
The classic "Fall of the balcony onto a car + shutting off the car alarm" gag that was played after EVERY. SINGLE. FALL. on Frisky Dingo made a reappearance tonight!

Well if you're so smart, how come you're not in Ant Baby Machete Squad?

"They totally are."

The robot with the big tits?

Roger is the baby of the family. The big drunk baby.

Unlike Family Guy, American Dad is rarely filled with bullshit filler like un-funny cutaway gags, "We're doing it because we can and that's breaking the rules" gags like 4 minutes of Conway Twitty, obnoxiously long fights that have little to know importance in the episode, and sappy "tear-jerking" moments that make

Bad news for Bob.
I think Bob's Burgers deserves another season, but with the ratings it gets, who knows at this point.

Aw, it's gone.