“This is not that song so move along”
“This is not that song so move along”
That’s not the point. The point is that whoever the eventual nominee is- we vote as a party. His proclamation that he’ll never vote for Hillary no matter what is a problem that I hope gets nipped in the bud.
This must “bern” you up, to see Hillary being all competent and funny and totally the next president.
Hillary is Jeb Bush’s gun?
Neither will she ever get my vote.
That was one of my favorite tidbits—we really need the exact Ginsburg quote here. Not today, Satan!
I’m going to assume that Rep Ann Coody just came straight over after placing 3rd in Oklahoma’s annual“Ethel Merman Look-alike Contest”
I’m black and voting for Hillary. #SorrynotSorry. I don’t find this condescending at all. Why don’t you get in government IS the right answer. I’m so tired of all these whiny people running around complaining all the politicians are in someone’s pocket or are “UNAUTHENTIC” . GO BE A POLITICIAN Then. That’s an…
I know...that’s very very true, but maybe the women who did incredibly dangerous things but lived to tell about it.
Humor is subjective, man. I think it’s funny and light and yes, dumb (in a fun way), and everyone just needs to get over it. Not everyone is gonna like the same shit and that’s fine! It’s ok! That’s how it works! You don’t like it? Don’t watch it. But don’t overblow a dumb skit as “sexist” when there are bigger fish…
honestly it’s become so exhausting to be on this site. everybody is doing something wrong. it feels like it’s undermining bigger issues or any victories. my soul can’t take it any more! pick your battles, people.
Yeah I was gonna say...it’s really not that deep.
yeh this is literally at the bottom of me ‘to care about’ list.
i’m too damn tired to get up in arms about fucking jimmy fallon. in fact, i find sara and her friends to be hilarious...a welcome moment of silly lightheartedness in a heavy, heavy world. just let me have my thing ok?
I think most of the people are upset because it sets up a straw man that Hilary thinks she’s qualified because she’s a woman. Hillary thinks she’s qualified because of her experience, intelligence, skills, and plans, and a man wouldn’t have to put up with this kind of bullshit suggesting she’s just campaigning on her…
Nothing to do with religion? Get fucking serious, please. My god.
It kind of sucks that of all characters, Noah was the one who didn’t have an arc.
(I’ll show myself out, thanks.)
The detectives intentionally ignored so much exculpatory evidence, like the lividity? You’re so right about them just wanting to close cases. What really struck me when listening to Undisclosed was that both detectives on this case, and in fact almost all the detectives who had anything to do with the case, had been…