“nonconsensual pornography, defined as the distribution of sexually graphic images of individuals without their consent.”
“nonconsensual pornography, defined as the distribution of sexually graphic images of individuals without their consent.”
I used to be a “head is for Clinton, heart is for Sanders” Democrat until I read this:
Being a sore loser and not conceding when he loses, shit talking the organizations when he doesn’t get their endorsements, stealing campaign data, whining about the establishment when he almost exclusively gets positive press and now constantly changing the conditions after agreeing to them - it’s Bernie’s world…
Shut it down guys, we’re only a month in to 2016 and we already have the comment of the year
I had a miscarriage at 14 weeks and couldn’t find anyone who would perform the D&E I needed, except for planned parenthood. They couldn’t get me in for 3 weeks. After a few desperate calls to my OB, they finally found someone an hour away who would perform the surgery I needed within the week. Did I mention this was…
My problem with the entire discussion is that everyone is so damned black and white about it. “Sex-positive” feminists tend to insist that all porn is great and anyone who disagrees is a sex-hating prude. Anti-porn feminists tend to insist that porn is ipso facto bad and anyone who disagrees is oppressing women. And…
Did it occur to him that the female models might make the women feel exactly as awkward as the male models made the men feel? No. No it did not.
I love the Gawkerverse, but any time that love starts to blind me to the fact that the staff is almost totally made up of Brooklyn-by-way-of-the-Midwest hipsters who only like things when they’re “obscure” and never quite got out of the middle school habit of hating everything on principle, they make sure to remind me.
So I should read more books by women, especially women of color, I just shouldn’t talk about it or tell anyone I’m doing it, which would include encouraging others to do it.
What’s wrong with Ex Machina? As a woman, I loved it.
Yes, but George, when you ruin your children, sometimes the state has to take them away from you for their own welfare.
Breaking news from Ohio: A new law will require that any woman who has an abortion must hold a full age appropriate birthday party for the fetus every year until said fetus is 18 years old. Furthermore, said woman must include fetus in all holiday card photos and will take to Disney world at least twice in said…
Yes, it’s pretty much what I’m trying to say, amidst being blamed for being a selective feminist or suffering from self-esteem issues of my own. If it’s so hard to figure out her motives, just think about it this way: if she hadn’t explained that this photoshoot was about body acceptance, would have figured it out…
I support what you’re saying. It’s none of my business what this lady does with her body. More power to her. But it’s strange that people are eager to accept this photo shoot as some kind of profound statement about body image just because she says it is. With the exception of the subject not wearing makeup, I fail to…
I can’t even begin.
I have to say, I kind of agree. I mean it’s fucking awesome that she overcame her eating disorder and is now comfortable enough with her body to do a photoshoot with no makeup or retouching. However, let’s be honest, she might as well have been wearing makeup and been retouched as far as anyone looking at the pictures…
Oh my God. I want to punch someone, but I don’t think that will help me here.