
I can’t think of a single superhero movie in recent memory that doesn’t have a love interest. As long as it’s not a heavy focus, I’m cool.

That reporter wont keep his work after this... and the reason why, rlly makes him a loser... so... there you go

Then you’re a bigger person than I. The moment you threaten another person’s life is the moment I stop giving a fuck about your human rights.

its hilarious, whats not to understand? he caused a stampede of idiots

I have zero respect for her. She’s not a hero, and neither is her partner. They’re expanding the population on an already over-burdened planet.

I would not call this heroic. I would call it foolish, OctoMom-level stuff.

Why, that’s funny. Yea, people can/could get hurt, but It’s humor. I play it, and I would find it very funny. I’ve been at a few places with a little less people and the same thing happens, but its not that rare of a Pokemon, people still shit bricks over it.

You got trolled there too, didn’t you?

Friend, as someone who got drug in to trying it by a woman I was briefly interested in, let me assure you you’re not missing a damn thing. And I have no idea what the fuck I need some horse shit special app for so you can send me pictures of your goddamn food anyway.

MySpace isn’t going anywhere...every single person under 25 uses it everyday.

It was a hunting rifle or shot gun that are both over a meter long. They wouldn’t fit in 99.9% of bank safety deposit boxes and wouldn’t be concealable or require a waiting period (background check yes). They are very different than a handgun which serves very little sporting purposes outside of target shooting.

Just because they don’t know doesn’t make it any less dangerous or illegal. But you’d have to be seriously fucking stupid to walk into a bank concealing a firearm to hide it from the employees for the sole purpose of putting it in a safety deposit box. That alone is a felony if you don’t have a Conceal and Carry

As someone who works for a bank. DO NOT EVER WALK INTO A BANK WITH A GUN!!! EVER!!! It is illegal to store firearms in a safe deposit box and walking into a bank with a firearm is 1 step away from arrest and possibly death by police officer.

This, in addition to the fact that literally every single depiction of Roland in the books is as a caucasian man, makes me wonder why the hell they made this casting decision. Elba is an excellent actor, and will likely do a great job due to his general badassery, but the fact that they’re pretty much throwing out the

Oh it will. Our safety conscious care bear society demands perfection. The only way autonomous cars will be 100% safe is if everything on the road is autonomous. You on your motorcycle will be the weak link, the minority, the wild card people want off the road. And once you bring a generation into adulthood that was

“First, they came for the pilots, and I did not speak out, because I was not a pilot. Next they came for the truckers, and I did not speak out because I was not a trucker. Next they came for the drivers, and I did not speak out because I was not a driver. Then they came for the motorcyclists, and there was no one left