I would consider that more “natural selection” than “tragedy”.
I would consider that more “natural selection” than “tragedy”.
You must be 18 to purchase a BB gun they can’t be legally fired within most all city limits. There is no reason for it not to look like a gun. It’s not a toy in any way shape or form. Not blaming the kid not blaming the officers. But this isn’t a cap gun we’re talking about this is a weapon that can kill small…
What about misandry?
There is flooding where I live we need to use up as much water as possible.
There is flooding where I live we need to use up as much water as possible.
“The majority of REPORTED domestic violence is perpetrated by men, against women.” Fixed it for you. My mother physically and emotionally abused my father for years before he got custody of us and left. The stigma that men have to be strong and women can’t hurt them is so bad most males don’t report it. It’s a serious…
In the US we’re incredibly lenient on domestic violence period. It doesn’t matter if it’s Male on Female, Female on Male, Male on Male, or Female on Female.
Tactical?? There is nothing tactical about what Guts does lol.
It was a hunting rifle or shot gun that are both over a meter long. They wouldn’t fit in 99.9% of bank safety deposit boxes and wouldn’t be concealable or require a waiting period (background check yes). They are very different than a handgun which serves very little sporting purposes outside of target shooting.…
Just because they don’t know doesn’t make it any less dangerous or illegal. But you’d have to be seriously fucking stupid to walk into a bank concealing a firearm to hide it from the employees for the sole purpose of putting it in a safety deposit box. That alone is a felony if you don’t have a Conceal and Carry…
As someone who works for a bank. DO NOT EVER WALK INTO A BANK WITH A GUN!!! EVER!!! It is illegal to store firearms in a safe deposit box and walking into a bank with a firearm is 1 step away from arrest and possibly death by police officer.
You can also not keep ammunition around. A gun is a hammer without ammunition.
If there is a heaven and an eternity of bliss waiting for us why is death a big deal?