
Meghann Fahy has always been one great role away from stardom. I don’t often care much for actors but she’s a fantastic performer. 

I’m not sure the author knew she was white, to be honest

3. Not immediately tackled to the ground shot several dozen times more than it would’ve taken to drop a charging bull.

Details in this story that let you know Zendaya’s mom is white:

This sounds like a movie written by people like my dad who shut down any discussion about European colonial slave trade with “No, we bought the slaves from the AFRICANS. THEY enslaved people, not US” yet makes it look like a tale of female empowerment.

Unfortunately the history here is pretty bad. 1820s Dahomey were actually the baddies. King Ghezo usurped the throne from his brother with the help of the mentioned Portuguese slave traders; he also (contrary to what this review suggests is present in the film) did in fact sell his own people into slavery, and towards

No. They did not fight the white slavers. The Agoje enslaved people en mass themselves and frequently used their slaves as human sacrifices. They were not nice people.

It feels so weird to see so many critics gushing about this whitewashing (pun not intended) movie about one of the worst slaver states in Africa. No, seriously, even compared with their contemporaries Dahomey was horrific. They also murdered hundreds of captives each year in human sacrifices. Look up the Annual

Ghezo holds his head high in relative righteousness: he stopped Dahomey’s sale of their own people to the whites, and only sells their enemies.

I sincerely hope I never reach the level of “fandom” where I send unsolicited pitches to showrunners.

It is a comedy show, just let it be a comedy show. I have to say that the principal is so realistic and accurate that I get the shivers.

The last few seasons of the original series were lame as hell.

In their defense, the Wonder Years as a series mostly failed to capture the magic of the Wonder Years pilot.

I haven’t seen any of the OG Wonder Years, but was there as much narration as there was in this? It felt like every other sentence was Don Chedle’s voice.

Lotta people in queer communities do indeed think that way. They think of queerness as a competition instead of a state of being. It stinks. 

It’s a big get for the LGBTQIA+ community.

If Jennifer Coolidge isn’t nominated next year, she should host the Emmys. Cedric was affable and lightly funny. But whoever wrote his bit scenes should stick to SNL.

Earlier this year, the AV Crowed about Anna Taylor-Joy winning a Golden Globe and becoming “the first Latina to ever best actress win in the limited series, anthology series, or TV movie category.” At the time, I commented that I don’t think she should count as she is a white-identifying blonde girl with

Holy crap, Community AND Jennifer Government reference

Michelle, maybe, but Barack is a late Boomer.