
Condensing Black people’s historically legitimate, scientifically accurate concerns down to a collective negro paranoia instead of addressing the actions that white people, the medical community and America actually did and are still doing to Black people will never work. Getting our favorite rappers and politicians

After the way Mayor Lightfoot channelled her inner Rahm a couple of weeks ago by trying to block the release of that police footage, the only reason I’d meet up with her would be because she was cutting me a zillon dollar check.

SIDEBAR: He is the coolest looking Jethro I have ever seen! That pornstache is on point and THAT is how you dress for a press conference.

The news cycle today is going out of their way to say that the terrorist acted alone, the terrorist probably didn’t want to hurt civilians because of the warnings and the time of the bombing, not calling it a terrorist act or the man an, you know, terrorist and, of course, the hero cops feel good story.

As for the “I would have beat her ass” crowd; you know if that brother mollywop that woman...that would have been nice but we don’t know if that would have escalated into a Eric Gardner situation. Just saying.

We need to stop calling these women “Karen” and call them what they really are, “Monster”

Just when Black folks are done with the Grammys, they find a way to sucker us back in. 

1) Why couldn’t I speak on the racial aspects of WSS? Because I’m not Puerto Rican or White?

What has happened to race relations since the time of our “First Black President” Bill Clinton? Other than our true First Black President, can we really say that the needle on all things American racism has been moved forward or nah?

I remember that time, back in 19 Dickery Doo, when Bill Clinton said that the US did Africa dirty. Thank God he did that because that ended racism forever!

Don’t get me wrong, the racism and homophobia and sexism do NOT age well, and do date both movies in an extremely cringey way, but both movies were just genius.

It is West Side Story

West Side Story

My Number 1 movie of all time is West Side Story.

Nope. Young Frankenstein isn’t in my Top 5, it’s in my Top 10 though.

Show Boat! Yeah, The Horne (h/t Redd Foxx as Fred Sanford) was straight up ROBBED (some more, she has NEVER gotten the respect she’s truly due. She probably could have passed but you never had any doubt that she was a Black woman)

Is that a good or bad thing?

It’s my #2 all time favorite movie. 

I wasn’t annoyed at all. I thought it was a good question and your comments afterwards were the first I’ve seen by a professional that offered an alternative on those “who does this white woman think she is” takes.

I’m the Godparent to my ex-fiance’s two children.