Hot Ice. It's The Best of Both Worlds!

And I just came.

I am actually laughing at my desk hard enough that people are looking at me, I don’t know why I find it so funny but I am dying

You can’t have Frosted Flakes without Tony the Tiger, and you can’t have Tony the Tiger without having people beg him for sex on Twitter

You’re very brave rooting for a top franchise to spite the writers on Deadspin.

The Giants should hate him. Mostly talking about Twins fans, who still boo him like he was Chuck Knoblauch. Who we pelted with hot dogs and batteries once. What I’m saying is that Twins fans are neither smart nor good people.

The AJ hate was always weird. The team traded him. For Nathan and Liriano (plus Boof Bonser, who added a great name if not actual talent). And the Giants got nothing out of the trade; they released him the next year. It is as unequivocal a win as a trade can be. Yeah, the guy was a dick, but who cares?

Just about any player on any championship team is going to have his fans, except maybe AJ.

Yeah “bruh,” who in their right mind would like the catcher who was a huge factor in the Sox ‘05 championship? AJ was a pretty great player if he was on your team.

There were a few great years in the mid-2000s when both the Twins and Sox were good to mediocre every year, and hated each others guts. Brawled all the time. AJ was a big part of that, and I loved/hated him for it.

Er...dude was an everyday player for 8 years. Anderson Verajao would be a more apt comparison.

White Sox will never have as many Attendance Championship banners as the Cubs do.

Except you know, AJ helped win a World Series for his team.

I was at the game too. Best atmosphere of any game I’ve ever been to. I was in the upper deck and after the fight on the field another 2 fights broke out just in my section alone... it was a free for all. I’ll never forget Iguchi hitting that Grand Slam and all the Cubs fans looking like they wanted to jump off the

Now playing

Another great moment in Chicago baseball history:

At this point I’d be quite happy to have the US never host an Olympics. They are getting absurdly expensive and holding them really doesn’t have much value anymore.

Oh, yes, I agree, it will be a train wreck. But not a terrorism train wreck, I believe (and pray).

Amen to that.

Everyone was expecting some shit to go down at the 2014 World Cup, what with all the remote stadiums spread all over the country, but it went off without a hitch... then again, ISIS was in diapers at the time..

Nah. ISIS aren’t Al Qaeda — they don’t pick targets just because they’re high-profile, without any local support. ISIS is fucking terrible because it relies on homegrown resentment and dissatisfaction, which it weaponizes. ISIS terrorists come from the communities they target, so they’re not likely to be particularly

When we were the first city out I was soooo happy...