area man

14 hours from NYC

You’re fucking kidding me, right? You have to pay taxes because it’s the law. And you know why you pay taxes? To pay for infrastructure. Like roads. Police. The fire department. Defense. The fucking military. If you make more, you pay more. That’s how the system is supposed to work. It’s not a fucking maze that only

Dude I can’t look at the guy in any role and not be completely creeped out by his Always Sunny character

Not as much Jimmi Simpson spelling his name with an “i” bothers me.

Yep, about on the level of Tom Hardy or James McAvoy as young Patrick Stewart.

Careful with that talk. You don’t want to get fork-stabbed do you?

While it often feels quite gross, having a mouthpiece at the biggest sports channel and website in America is probably a net positive for LeBron.

You just know that tubby little sycophant wants to french kiss him so badly.

Windhorst’s slavish LeBron-jocking makes even Ahmad Rashad uncomfortable.

Go to hell.

I’d say the reaction to a joke that was kinda clever, kinda meh, very harmless is perhaps a reason why Democrats lost the election.

Pork chop sandwiches!

As usual, white privilege helps out when you step over the line.

“It can be hard to put your finger on exactly what you fear most about the rise of Donald Trump: the racism? The sexism? The xenophobia? The profoundly dangerous lack of judgment?”

Ooh. Using “catholic” in the non-religious sense. Well done.

Did that homeless woman have anything to say about the Seahawks secondary?

All I read was “LOL nah nah buu buu”

No one hates the Cubs more than I do, but christ, just let them have their fun for another day before going on seemingly pointless rants about how they may or may not end up like Boston fans. As Barry said, they get until their parade and then they can go fuck themselves (paraphrasing).