area man

I know this headline isn’t going to win me any friends, and I’m even a little surprised I’m writing this, but I’ve

I did this once. Realized how stupid the car looked afterwards and vowed to never do it again. It’s right up there with removing the interior to make a car lighter or taking off the AC for the same reason.

Do you also use lead paint in your walls and drink lake water because you associate it with your masculinity?

Imagine a world where these became viable. People flying around shooting rifles from little hover-capsules.

I was privileged to have seen him live, at Coachella in 2008. He brought out The Time and Sheila E and I thought I had entered nirvana. Then he launched into Radiohead’s “Creep” and I just stood there, mouth wide open, doing that laugh/cry thing you get to do only a few times in your life. If the world had ended at

Playing SPiNTiRES on Hardcore difficulty with a G27 wheel is insane. You’re literally flailing away between keeping control of the wheel, changing gear, operating the winch with the keyboard, and maneuvering the camera with the mouse. And yes, the game is murderously brutal. I’ve had several 4-6hr play sessions that

I agree, but that’s where the sense of entitlement comes from.

Just fire Chris Evans ... problem solved.


Exactly. Sweet honey + spicy meat = the best pizza experience. Also good with chili oil/banana peppers.

Wall-to-wall coverage of why UConn women’s basketball is the single most dominant dynasty in sports history would not be unwelcome.

Anyone else secretly hoping it looks like this...

None of the above. The worst seasonal sweet is the Cadbury Creme Egg. Why despoil perfectly adequate chocolate with a Judas come filling?

Every morning I eat two eggs, fried in a pan greased with butter, I generally have two pieces of home made bread toast with them. For lunch I have leftovers, typically meat, steamed vegetables, and potatoes (as a broad category, sometimes the potatoes are actually rutabagas or sweet potatoes), so I include a pad of

I’m with you. I’ve never had butter go bad in a covered container. I also absolutely can not see the point of “sealing” a big ol’ lump of fat with a thin film of water. I love being romantic about the French, but I’m not convinced a lot of their charming food lore is anything other than masterful trolling.

Precisely my beef. I don’t like Camaros. You see me bitching about visibility on that article? No sir. If you don’t like the car all together, don’t complain about trivial details just to complain.