I’ve seen this LaForza parked around midtown before:
I’ve seen this LaForza parked around midtown before:
Sweet barrel roll by number 88
Cool man! I’ll reach out once I’m settled!
I don’t mean to sound like a stalker but I’m reading some of your old posts and they’re great! I am in the process of moving to LA and I can’t wait to take advantage of the desert and mountains around it. Really impressed how you’ve pushed the limits of the Forester. Let me know if you need an adventure buddy anytime…
That was awesome!
Peacing the hell out of NYC this summer after ten years. Any off the beaten path bucket list items to suggest?
Random appearances like Wemple here are not compensated, though they do get a fancy black car to the studio, goodies in the green room and sometimes a comped meal.
Why are you guys reviewing a car you already reviewed?
I’m in your boat. I guess there are a lot of adults still eating like garbage out there.
That’s interesting, I feel like it’s nice and old school, almost a breath of fresh air considering most of the web is either banner laden garbage sites or that suffocating new faux-minimalism.
I have a tweeter, but I’ve only used it once and that was to yell at Time Warner Cable when my internet went out for a day and a half. Sometimes I feel like I’m missing out but then I remember, never tweet.
Hi Daniel, I’m really sorry about your friend and I’m sorry that my comment came off as disrespectful. I didn’t think I was assuming anything about the specifics of the crash as the details I mentioned came from the newspaper articles. I just very much enjoyed the film and he seemed like a great guy, and I felt upset…
I hope the guy that hit him got some form of punishment. From the articles it sounded like an illegal pass as Hilsenbeck was taking a left turn - horrifying.
I bought some in mid December, they broke last week.
I bought some in mid December, they broke last week.
NYC, 2007. My friends and I plan a long weekend at someone’s parents’ Jersey Shore house, but being broke college students we are forced to resort to the infamous Chinatown buses. But not even the name brand ones, like Lucky Star or Fung Wah. No, the genius in the group who distributed the tickets had bought them off…
All Jalops who watch Rat Race (pretty good in its own right) should also watch It’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World which is basically one long madcap car chase with 50s and 60s iron.
It’s true, Geico is the only company with reasonable rates in NYC.
That’s weird, none of my friends who dropped their weekend plans to voluntarily spend their free time protesting at airports in NYC and LA have gotten their checks yet!