Do you have a response, or are you going to just shut down like all the rest?
Do you have a response, or are you going to just shut down like all the rest?
But this is where we run into conflict, because both you and wherever you got your info about these supposedly inaccurate photos are wrong, and there’s no acknowledgment of that. The pictures at the link below were taken around the same time, about 45 min before Trump’s and Obama’s oaths of office and they clearly…
Thinking for yourself doesn’t have to mean rejecting real journalism and the “mainstream media” wholesale, and accepting the difficult facts about a given situation doesn’t make you any less intelligent or powerful. Take the kerfuffle over the crowd size at the inauguration - you have Trump and his team arguing…
Just because a piece of information pushes back against your pre-established beliefs doesn’t mean it’s wrong. This is what I never understand about people who seek to discredit the media. Ever consider maybe you’re wrong or even a little bit misguided, even if it’s on the smallest point?
I didn’t know that about Ritz, actually. Did you ever eat the Ritz milk?
What in the sam hell is “mock apple pie”? I read the recipe and I still don’t understand it. Are the ritz crackers substitute for the apples? This is the whitest thing I’ve ever heard.
That’s the exact sound I would make
Honorable mention to the bald dad trying to keep the kids in the bleachers, then acknowledging it’s a terrible plan.
I always knew you had these writing chops Andrew - more SoCal-set longform from Collins!
where da fuq is that
I feel like I’ve seen a timelapse video of barges navigating that curve.
Well, did Matt buy another shelf?
thats pretty cool
The number of times I’ve had to trek to that UPS place...
It’s a great view but honestly I’m disappointed at the tiny number of accidents I’ve actually witnesssd.
I don’t get the hate for the Everest - it’s a tidy looking SUV with decent ground clearance.
As I’ve said to others, the briefings were legitimate news that needed to be reported. But Buzzfeed could have done so without publishing the whole unedited thing, because even if there are nuggets of truth in there now conservatives can point to any discrepancies also contained within and be like “see, the mainstream…
“Material gathered and discussed among senators and intelligence agencies.” Right there. You said it. And for the last time, I’m just pointing out an argument that those who wish to discredit this report can make. This isn’t about me and what I “get” at all, because I’m not the one who needs convincing Trump is a…
Oh FFS read the damn articles and understand the difference between a paid opposition researcher and a US intelligence agency.