area man

Diarrhea from both ends!

Too bad the first generation HRV was a lot cooler:

I am so glad you took down that fucking NFL family ad campaign. Watching the new version of them in their soft-focus-except-the-team-jerseys living room on Christmas morning makes me want to vomit.

Originally could be had with the manual though!


The XJ may have been a predecessor of sorts, but it's a different truck in my opinion.

Jeep Grand Cherokee

what the fuck are all these weird-ass salads?

as one of the accused said, why on earth would they choose to get their 15 minutes of fame by accusing Bill Cosby of rape? Recent wave of accusations aside, there have been several independent allegations over the past three decades; seeing as how each time it went nowhere, why would women keep trying if they were

I'm not, but you never know! Personally I believe any old car in good condition with sharp angles and a spacious cabin will appreciate as beltlines get higher and lines get swoopier.


The price has been right on these babies lately - I think we're at the bottom of the depreciation curve. I might pull the trigger in the new year.

Thank you for writing this up. I don't normally let my jingoism fly free, but I will cop to previously being uninterested in F1 because there are no Americans to root for. This is probably the closest anyone has come to getting me into it.

you crazy son

I just love how automakers keep trying out ridiculous swept-back front ends, only to realize they all look like garbage and go back to some version of two small rectangles and a long one in between.

Nose bridge from the mask/goggles the character is wearing.

Love this

Well considering we're using a single night as an example, alternate side parking probably wouldn't be an issue, and it's never an issue on weekends. I'll give you careless fellow parkers, but anecdotally my parents always manage to find a free spot near my apartment when they visit on the weekends. And 20 min to