
“Allegedly, she is a fan of George Orwell and Ayn Rand … most unusual.”

I hope you’re doing well now! One thing I learned is that I’d rather be alone and feel sad for a little while than be with a cheater and feel like hell for a long time.

1.) Go to Breibart and observe for a bit. Get a feel for the landscape. The lingo. The power players.

2.) Download some Hans Zimmer scores. “Interstellar” is a good one - lots of loud pipe organs.

3.) Start by doing some mild commenting. Agree with people. Tell them they are making good points. Build a rapport with

Forgive him if you want, but if his first instinct is to go out and kiss another woman when you get in a fight, he is probably going to resort to that behavior in the future.

The biggest question of all: will it be listenable? Given that this is a Jay Z release in 2016 or 2017, the answer is very much in doubt!

Shannon “neutered” him? Oh, come on, Foofa! He has his own multi-million dollar company — this is not a man without autonomy or common sense. Maybe he screwed around b/c he was bored or adrift in the marriage and figured it was cheaper than divorce, but regardless, it’s a BS way of dealing with your issues. And, FWIW,

Vow renewal is the kiss of death to Housewives marriages.

“Empowerment” is an empty phrase, used to market menstrual cups and mascara and I am loathe to use it in general conversation because of its disingenuous connotations. Despite that, MUVA Management sounds like it will be kind of empowering, in the actual, original meaning of the word! Imagine that.”

“Can a feminist blog and the first female nominee really not have a serious, substantive discussion?”

Jeez... you lie under oath one time - ONE TIME - and all of a sudden, everyone's all "Perjury this!" and "Suborning that!"

This is getting very House Un-American Activities Committee. You can’t employ someone who says something we disagree with. You can’t be friends with someone who says something we disagree with. You can’t love someone who says something we disagree with. You have to public denounce someone who says something we

Yeah, I’m getting tired of these Purity Tests leading to binary judgments on who is or isn’t okay to like and enjoy. But I’m old, so I accept that I’m out of the loop on this. I like Amy. I will continue to like Amy, even if her friends are dickbags that she doesn’t immediately set fire to in a public setting.

She’s also a regular person with regular feelings that are complicated.

Oh shit I am so sorry we are supposed to defer to internet outrage when it comes to deciding how we feel about people we are close to. It’s almost as if our feelings towards the people we love who do and say DUMB ASS SHIT were super simple!! I mean sometimes I forget to tell my future mother in law that I straight up

Umm bye? I think it’s really shitty to rag on Amy over the actions of men.

Yes and no. The legal definition has changed. A wife could not legally be raped by her husband in the 80s in Kentucky where I grew up. The same with pentration with a foreign object in some states.

Yeah, I can’t believe she’d treat a friend who she disagrees with on an issue w/ respect instead of throwing him under the bus.

Come on, dude. He said “a smart understanding of what rape is becoming and what we’re now understanding about it.” He’s making exactly the point you say he should be making. Jesus, why does this conversation always devolve into policing people for not phrasing things in exactly the way people like you approve of?