No, if you knowingly fuck a married guy you are also responsible for hurting people.
No, if you knowingly fuck a married guy you are also responsible for hurting people.
I re-watched the first season and she was hardcore then but it wasn’t as open. I think that’s because she was still trying to make it and didn’t have the same sense of entitlement to let her bitch flag fly the way she does now. She’s a perfect example of someone making a shitload of money and no longer hiding who they…
I think Luann is super sex positive. She’s just different from Sonja in that she keeps her sex life private. I don’t see who she has hurt. Every story originates with Bethanny and her minions. The T&C story is that she snogged a married guy going through a divorce. Other than that where has she left some trail of…
I get what you’re saying but I don’t see where Luann has a history of married men. She had a snog with a married guy in T&C but other than that? Tom was on a casual date and sure, she could have waited but I don’t think it was high crime or equal to fucking a married guy or breaking up a family. Her cavalier attitude…
Same here. Mine is doing weird shit and I’m learning - finally - to sit up straight as a result.
That was a mis-step, no doubt. Sometimes she gets it so right and sometimes not so much. She looked amazing at the reunion, though. Funny that Bethenny was sporting a similar look (including Luann hair!) but looked like the poor cousin.
I re-watched one of the Kristin seasons recently and I have to say she was better than I remembered. Too bad about that husband of hers.
I loved the special. I was always pretty much ‘whatever’ about Luann. She didn’t bother me but I didn’t love her. After the special I got her. She’s proud of her roots and while she left them behind, so to speak, she embraces them while still living one hell of a life. She is truly a woman who grabs life by the balls…
God, I hope they show Bethenny’s fake cry and ‘shaking hands’ from Miami and all laugh at her. Her head will explode with rage because one thing narcissists cannot stand is being laughed at.
I was truly shocked at the Berkshires slut shaming. I had to watch it twice before I could discuss with a friend, who was a longtime B fan but now cringes at the memory of her stanning. B has destroyed her own reputation, somehow knows it in the deep, dark, recesses of her mind but instead of realising her own…
I think she’s horrible TV. I get tense whenever she comes on and usually FF past her. I know there’s no fun in Bethenny land and I watch the show for fun.
Carole is a lap dog who gloms onto whomever she thinks is the strongest. Something tells me that while Heather was a good choice last season hitching her prairie wagon (might explain that dress?) to Bethenny this season will backfire on her in the long run. Heather had Bethenny’s number - Carole should have paid…
I don’t see protecting your private life as lying. She didn’t want to put certain things out there because real people were involved. That’s not lying, that’s remaining private and being cool, not uncool. ;)
Nope, disagree. She was banging on about that time stamp and one must remember that she also had dinner with both the wife and the husband about a month before she went public with her relationship with him. No man leaves a 26 year marriage and suddenly shows up a month later with a new girl friend if he wasn’t…
Man, Sonja trying to be polite while turning her head away from the close talking Rey was hilarious. Been in those situations and it’s always so damned awkward.
Thanks! My hate for Bethenny knows no bounds. I tweeted her a gentle rebuke a few weeks back and she blocked me. I cannot tell you how proud this makes me. It’s pathetic. :)
I think Brandi made some dumb comments but probably more from stupidity than blatant racism (and being drunk 99% of the time). Joyce was kind of too goody two shoes and far too beautiful for the BH ladies to accept her. But I think never took it as rooted in racism.
Yeah, people seem to gloss over some of the weirder details of Bethenny’s crazy. Either she and the editors had so little to work with this was the best they could come up with OR she actually thinks she looks good acting like a 100% asshole.
Why should she feel obliged to discuss her sex life with anyone she doesn’t want to discuss it with? Why shouldn’t she keep her sexcapades private if that’s what she wants? Everyone has the right to conduct their private they way they want. Sonja chooses one way, Luann another. Is she supposed to be all, ‘yes, yes, I…
Sonja has posted on twitter RIP Ramonja or something similar. Ramona wasn’t a good friend and while Sonja was hurt I think she finally said enough.