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    I still don't understand how X-Men: First Class is being considered a missfire?! It's a completely new cast with no recognizable characters or actors other than Magneto, Prof. X, Beast, and Mystique. Yet the movie is already at $120mill domestic, it'll more than likely get to $150mill, on par with the very first X-Men

    I'm so mad I wasted $10 seeing this crap. Maybe it was because i had just saw Bridesmaids and X-Men: First Class (for the second time) right before, both of them being excellent movies - this was just a disaster.

    That thing though that Batman Begins has going for it is that it opened on a Wednesday so by the end of it's opening weekend it had already made 70 million dollars, but yea I guess if you take away its Wednesday and Thursday numbers and just go the weekend, it opened about the same as this one did.

    Huh? They did the exact same thing for X3. They released just as many, if not more, clips before the movie came out yet that one was the highest rated X-flick. Plus there was a TON of things in the actual movie that they released. I was shocked.

    It's a prequel/reboot that kinda has to overcome the same things Batman Begins had to do - it's a prequel/reboot, two awful sequels received poorly by critics and fans before it, no big name actors/actresses, and no big name characters other than Professor X and Magneto.

    I think the reason Wolvie is so popular is simply because he's probably everything boys/men want to be and everything women usually want their men to be like, blah blah snore.

    I love that they went so hokey with the fairy business because if you've read the book series you know that the fairies are anything but light, airy, and foofy.

    Oh I love me some Rogue too but Storm and Emma Frost are both really in their own universe for me. haha

    Oh Emma Frost, that is exactly why you are my favorite X-woman after Storm.

    I cannot wait to see Fiona Shaw as the new head witch in charge this season. I'm kinda over the vampire/human politics for right now. Bring on the witches, excited to see what new chaos they bring to Bon Temps.

    I don't think it's so much sex appeal, I just think she looks really really pretty in the shots. Especially the one with her sitting on the couch next to Shaw.

    Well Angel Salvadore is a definite upgrade from the comics! Zoe Kravitz is absolutely GORGEOUS in those shots! So is January Jones, Rose Byrne, and Jennifer Lawrence.

    I think i read that this season starts an entire year after the end of season three so that would explain her new hair, which by the way looks gorgeous!

    Love this show but poltergeist Sally freaked me the fug out!!!

    I don't know what it is about this movie. I'm just not connecting with it from the footage and trailers like I am with Captain America, X-Men: First Class, or Thor. It just seems like with this movie it's all about the SFX's/Visuals and the story/characters are just secondary filler to me.

    X1 and X2 were pretty damn awesome, then Ratner and his crappy X3 came along and ruined the amazing base the first two movies created. I'm hoping they find a way to work around or completely retcon what happened in X3 and continue the franchise that way Singer wanted it too. Maybe something with Days of the Future

    @Curran Dickinson: How do you know it hasn't happened on July 4th before, did you read the article? It says they investigate just about 500 mass bird deaths a year. As someone else posted below, that's just about two mass bird deaths every day in one year.

    Well one things for sure, this Peter Parker is a lot cuter than the runt we had in the last three movies. lol

    My anticipation for First Class is reaching critical mass very soon. We need a picture, trailer, something!

    I really wish Elizabeth Mitchell, Morena Boccarin, and Laura Vandervoort were all on a better tv show.