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    @konoha_whitefang: I've been thinking of catching Supernatural. I was initially turned off because of all the crazy fans slobbering over the brotherly love lol '

    I really really hope this is good because now that True Blood is gone, I have absolutely nothing to watch on tv other than Modern Family.

    "charismatic flexible snouts"

    Thank gosh they're not going with that purple Hawkeye suit. It looks ridiculous in the comics so lord only know how ridiculous it would look on an actual real person.

    Psh, whatever I still like Tara. Funny, her storyline was the only one that progressed at the end of the finale.

    @radink: Pam saved him.

    My favorite part of the entire episode had to be Sookie dumping Talbot down the garbage disposal and then laughing maniacally in Russell's face.

    @PVIII: I don't think the Faeries are literally aliens. They are just faeries but humans didn't know what the hell they were so they just called them aliens.

    Good that they're keeping the witch storyline from book four. That was my favorite. I hope head witch Hallow is a deliciously evil wench just like Maryann from last season, even more so!

    Bump the haters, I think this is a great idea! I'm liking pretty much everything I'm hearing from this movie.

    I still don't understand people saying that X-Men: First Class has too many characters so far.

    Favorite part of the episode:

    Oh this is just pure perfection LOL